Images not showing up on published...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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linda pradetto wrote:
Okay here's the link:

I was able to fix the project but it looks like many of the images you attempted to add did not get saved correctly so they are missing. You will need to re-add and link those back into the project. … d.rsd?dl=0
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User 1981050 Photo

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That looks like the file I sent you yesterday. Was there actually anything wrong with it? I've deleted the one that is up on Dropbox and re-uploaded it. If you could take a look at this second file I'd greatly appreciate it. …
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Here you go. This one also appears to be missing images as well. Those will need to be re-added and linked in again. … 2.rsd?dl=0
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User 1981050 Photo

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Thank you,

It looks like a wasted 2 days of work. One step forward, two steps back. I'm never going to get my new website done!! I had three more very simple pages of the website to check on the responsive set points and it would have been ready to publish! :(

I was just thinking, is it possible that the software got corrupted and I should delete it and re-install it to be safe? I can't think of anything I was doing to cause this to happen. I worked on it most of the day yesterday and saved on a regular basis.Everything was looking good in the previews. I do remember last night I worked on it until about 12:30 am and hadn't saved in a while. I was almost done with it and it crashed unexpectedly. I was able to open it up this morning OK and re-did the work I lost last night, saving every few minutes.

Come to think about it, I'm pretty sure I was at pretty much the same place when it wouldn't save this morning as when it crashed last night. I'd re-positioned the images and was almost done changing up the font sizes on the smart phone set point on the wedding page when is shut down.

Is it possible that that page is too big with all of the images on it. Maybe I should divide it up into more than one page?
Just some thoughts to try to avoid this in the future.

Thank you so much for your help Scott, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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I don't think it has anything to do with the installation of RSD but it never hurts to try an uninstall/re-install. Sometimes Windows just does funky things that never have an explanation.

Just remember that SAVE is your friend. If you find you have worked for an hour and never saved, that is not a good sign. Save, Save and Save. ;) Also keep good backups of that RSD file this way if it is lost or damaged, you have something you can recover from should something bad happen.

I would also make sure you are not using those invalid file names just to be safe. That should not impact things in RSD, but those characters you have in some images along with spaces are never a good thing to have. ;)

You have a very small project file with a limited number of images so that I do not think has anything to do with the issue here. I have seen sites with literally 1000's of images. You should be just fine. ;)
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User 1981050 Photo

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I work on photos in Photoshop all the time, so I've learnt to save the hard way. Nothing like working for hours on a photo, have it just the way you want it and lose it all. That hasn't happened in years so I've got into the habit of saving.
So, I was saving regularly yesterday.And when I say I hadn't saved in a while that is relative. I'd only lost a little bit of work from last night when I opened up this morning. But it looks like everything I did yesterday even though I'd saved often was lost during the crash this morning.

I do know that Windows can be funky.

Thing is I do have that previous zip file I'd sent you yesterday so I do have a back up of sorts. I think I'll pull it up and work from it as well as re-installing RSD just to be safe.

And I've checked and double checked the file names to be sure they were right, lesson learned!!

Thanks again
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Get one of these (or similar): … B00FRHTSK4
(comes with some cloud storage as well)
Save all your original files on external and cloud storage and only work on copies in Photoshop ;)

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 1981050 Photo

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Thank you for the information, but I'm way ahead of you at least with my photo files. I have at least 12 external hard drives ranging from 500 GB to 4 TB as well as 4 internal drives ranging from 2 TB to 4 TB, three in a Probox. We always shoot in RAW and have at least two copies of the RAW files. When I work on an image I save the original in PSD format and provide our clients with either jpg or tiff files on DVDs or Flash Drives.

Adobe provides some cloud storage, but I don't know how much. For all I know it could be unlimited. I do not trust Clouds as I've heard some horror stories from other photographers about them going away or losing files. We also have an account with a company called PhotoShelter to display our images on the internet for our clients. Most of the images on my new, revised website (when I finally get it up and running) will be linked to a gallery on PhotoShelter or a YouTube slideshow.

So, I save, save, save all our images multiple times. I don't usually back up things like the website I'm working on. I'm going to have to re-think that, though. Luckily, in this case I had an extra because I'd sent Scott a zipped copy the other day. So instead of losing the whole thing or having to work on what might still be a corrupted file, I was able to use that and had just lost what I'd completed after I'd sent him the zip. I am now backing up as I go on to a different hard drive from my main one.

As I told Scott, lessons learned!!

Thanks again for the suggestion.
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

After a hard drive crash many years ago, I got a bit fanatical about storage/back-ups.
I wouldn't consider cloud storage as my main option, but I keep working files in Dropbox, saving after every change/edit. Then they get saved to the original hard-drive and back-up folders when done for the day. Also good if you decide you liked it better before making changes. :lol:
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 412044 Photo

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Hi Linda, Hi Scott -

I'm in the same situation. No photo images will appear once I've uploaded my RSD site to the server. Like Linda, I'm exporting the RSD site and using Coffee's Direct FTP to upload. Everything works fine locally - the exported version of site works on several browsers. But once I've uploaded - no images! When I look at the uploaded files on my server they appear to be correct - everything as it should be.

I have already renamed (simplified) all of the image file names as Scott suggested, and re-done the whole thing - but no results. (Fortunately my site is less complex than Linda's.)

Corrupt image files? unlikely - they're simple jpg files that perform perfectly in all other applications.

Something else is going on. Linda and I rely on Coffee Cup support (and you, Scott) to sort this out.

I know you'll come through for us. CC always does.

- Ken

my problematic site is here:

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