Images not showing up on published...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Ken Sandelin wrote:
Hi Linda, Hi Scott -

I'm in the same situation. No photo images will appear once I've uploaded my RSD site to the server. Like Linda, I'm exporting the RSD site and using Coffee's Direct FTP to upload. Everything works fine locally - the exported version of site works on several browsers. But once I've uploaded - no images! When I look at the uploaded files on my server they appear to be correct - everything as it should be.

I have already renamed (simplified) all of the image file names as Scott suggested, and re-done the whole thing - but no results. (Fortunately my site is less complex than Linda's.)

Corrupt image files? unlikely - they're simple jpg files that perform perfectly in all other applications.

Something else is going on. Linda and I rely on Coffee Cup support (and you, Scott) to sort this out.

I know you'll come through for us. CC always does.

- Ken

my problematic site is here:

This issue can be fixed by following these steps found in this article. … be-broken/
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User 1981050 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

K, thanks I'm working on it. Hope it helps!
User 1981050 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

It worked and my site is up. I've still got to get my blog up and going and need to make the Slideshow on my home page responsive but it's up. Thank you Thank you thank you,

User 1981050 Photo

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96 posts

I have a somewhat dumb question. When I update my website and want to publish the changes, do I have to upload the whole file again or can I just publish the page that I've changed?
I'm using the Direct FTP program and I just made a small correction on one page. I actually changed a number in a paragraph so it was an extremely minor correction. When I opened Direct FTP I uploaded the whole site thinking that the program would ask me if I wanted to upload it all or just the pages that had changed (like fileZilla does). It didn't and it is uploading the whole thing again. Is this the way it is supposed to work?
User 1981050 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

Never mind I figured it out. I didn't have it set up in preferences correctly.
User 479094 Photo

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3 posts

Hi, I am experiencing the same problem.
Works fine when using preview in Google Chrome but after uploading website to my s-drive account, the linked pics produce a Coffeecup error message.
What am I doing wrong?
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

What does that error message say? And please let us have a link to the site in question.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 479094 Photo

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The error says "oops! we can't find that on our maps."

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

So, I see all the images on that page, but thery seem to be clickable, and when I click, I get the same message as you do. Is the intention to get a larger instance of the image you click on? The reason seems to be that you have linked each image to a 'blank' page.

I made a wee mockup for you, using two of your images. See if it can be of help.

Another piece of advice: take the images up in an image editing programme (if you don't have one, Gimp is free) and make them completely upright, and then crop away what is outside the actual images. It would look much more professional.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 379556 Photo

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1,551 posts

I think that the links to the pictures may be misnamed by using an upper-case letter at the start. For example, the first picture is at blank_1.html, but the link seems to be to Blank_1.html.


PS Blank_1 is the title of the page, not the html reference.

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