Materialize Theme and Components -...

User 188640 Photo

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A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 2848063 Photo

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I'm thinking OP is asking the same thing I am - WHY AREN'T THE COMPONENTS ALREADY IN THE PROJECT AS COMPONENTS??

For that matter, why aren't they already a library? I *guarantee* that's how the pages were created!!

It is the absolute height of vendor arrogance and DISDAIN that this is what we paid for.
User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

I finally found the video that explains how to get components into the library but why do we have to be logged in and where do we login to? PDF's would be really great instead of having to go all the way through a video for one small piece of info.

Don't get me wrong, videos are great but PDF's along with videos are even better.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 2861890 Photo

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Ernie Hodge wrote:
I finally found the video that explains how to get components into the library...

Pray tell, show us the link or give us the thumbnail "how to" version.
User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

Here's the link:

You can find this if you are in SD3 and click on the Help item in the top menu. (Video Tutorials)

I just can't figure out how to login. I click on the icon to add a component and get a pop up that says I have to be logged in. I click on that and put a name in the project box, click OK and get taken back to the Components section. When I click on the upload button it goes back through the entire thing again.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

Ernie, and anybody else who is wondering about components and login (in general, not specifically regarding Materialize), take a look at my sharing site. , and look at the bottom of the left column, above all the building blocks, see the link. I have a how-to about creating and using components, also about the login.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 556652 Photo

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152 posts

I'm not sure why CoffeeCup works the way it does. They have a bunch of help available but I don't see it as organized. It is at least different than the way I think and am used to. I am 70 years old and grew up with well organized manuals with indexes and tables of content. So that has always presented a problem with me in finding information here. I would like to see the site organized at least in the area of instructional help under one button or menu at the top of the sites pages. It is there you just have to hunt. For instance Under Community you find Videos. Click on that and you find "Video guide for creating a basic page in CSS Grid Builder." At the bottom of that is 3 more buttons, but those buttons intermix pages pumping the products and some video links.

Don't get me wrong I like these products but it is not easy for someone new to the products or subject materials to come on board quickly.

Just seems to be disjointed.
Artist At Heart
User 2818159 Photo

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I agree with the comments here about the disorganization of the help information. I check the help areas, search the forums, and end up coming back here for an answer because I can't find it elsewhere. Luckily there are a couple of very active and helpful forum members!

More should have been included with SD3 out of the box. Nested menus, modals, galleries, etc.
User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

CC is a small company, and I doubt that they have the capacity to reorganize the website in the way of making it more systematic as to finding stuff. But I definitely see the necessity.
You should have seen what this forum was like when I first got here in 2005. It was all ONE forum, not grouped according to software or anything else. The reorganisation was done by a handful of volunteers.
I guess that more things would have needed some tidying, things like the knowledge base has grown, and it would be much more work now. A lot of users have also voluntarily created how-tos, videos and more, and it should have been collected into an index list. I hope someone finds time to do that before it gets too massive. My contribution is just that sharing folder I'm keeping...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 21579 Photo

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13 posts

I just bought the Matco/Materialize theme and downloaded it. I opened Site Designer 3 > Themes. I Used Import to locate the downloaded file and imported it. When I go back to select a theme, there is nothing called Matco. There is Materialize. Is this how it should be, or am I missing part of the download?

I found the Pages menu item under the program's Title bar and am using it to scroll through the pages of Materialize items. Are these pages the tutorial for using the Materialize theme? Is the next step to either copy a page I am looking at, or create a new page, then use the Activate menu (under Pages) to place components into that page? Did I guess correctly?


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