Photo Gallery - Page 1 - Post ID 289643

User 437417 Photo

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10 posts

Hi All
Just trying to get things working.
I need to have a photo gallery.
Whats the best way to go about this?
Can I use something like Juicebox or is there a Coffeecup gallery coming?
User 122279 Photo

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14,513 posts

CoffeeCup has no image gallery programme that can be used on responsive sites. Most likely there will be one some time in the future, though. Any 'box' should do, juicebox, colorbox etc. Wow slider is also very popular, and it is not limited to a certain number of domains, like juicebox.
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Inger, Norway

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User 187934 Photo

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20,218 posts

Flexslider works great and is a simple responsive slider.

Here's a quick example.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2660090 Photo

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89 posts

I'm a big fan of WowSlider. You download the software and then all from within the program you can customise exactly how your slideshow/photo gallery will look like before exporting it.
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Andrew Moss wrote:
I'm a big fan of WowSlider. You download the software and then all from within the program you can customise exactly how your slideshow/photo gallery will look like before exporting it.

We are working on a responsive slider app right now (as well). Andrew, can you please explain what you specifically like in wowslider? To use the design / customization possibilities seem very limited...but maybe we're missing something.

Just wanna make sure we do the right thing here ;)
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User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Im looking forward to CC Slider they know how to do things right! I have been using WOW slider but you are stuck with the predefined designs they put out. It would be great to have the same control over the sliders as you do over styling in RSD and MB.

I think the ability to adjust size, transitions options, titles, fonts styles, gradients, button controls and probably a lot more. I think the basic options of WOW slider would be a great starting point.

I know the question wasn't to me haha but that's my two cents. :lol::lol:
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Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Steve wrote:
Im looking forward to CC Slider they know how to do things right!

Thanks! :cool:

Steve wrote:
I have been using WOW slider but you are stuck with the predefined designs they put out.

That's out impression as well, you can choose a template/theme, but that's kinda where it stops...

Steve wrote:
I think the basic options of WOW slider would be a great starting point.

What basic options are you referring too Steve?

Steve wrote:
I know the question wasn't to me haha but that's my two cents. :lol::lol:

We value every cent :P
The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
User 2088758 Photo

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Ok to make it a bit more simple of an explanation i will post images of the options that would be a good starting point for CC Slider. We don't necessarily need them all but I have taken advantage of most of them.

Option 1:

Options 2:

Options 3:
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see this added as well. One thing I see that is really difficult to find is the ability to create a Modal Window type setup for 1 single image. There are a ton of gallery apps out there already that allow for making lots of great looking sliders, galleries etc., but there are almost no apps to create a single image zoomer (for lack of a better word lol). Making it easy to do multiple images on one page or various pages without having to over bloat your site with 6 variations of the same app scripts if you need 6 images on your site. Now that's something that I would find extremely valuable right now after spending a week browsing around trying various non-working scripts till I finally found one.

The ability to "easily" embed these into an RLMP/RSD site would also be extremely helpful for both the large and single galleries.

Not sure how you'd edit the theme setups. The reason they do that in the Wow Slider is because they use that as a "new feature" area. They always add new little themes each time they do a major update so it gives it the look of having more features I guess. For me I'd love the ability to edit the themes as well so you aren't locked into just what they have, but...... truly in the end if you include enough of them with enough variety (which they do well in Wow Slider and it's sister apps) that really is all that is needed.

One major thing that will be a super MUST for a new slider/gallery program is the ability to put the text anywhere you want and "not" over the top of the photos if you don't want it to be. Ability to add it in a line below, above, etc. as well as on top, but without the all annoying semi transparent background behind it that hides a good portion of your photos.
I'm sure you guys area already aware of that part as there have been quite a few complaints and requests on that.

From there, I don't think there's a single setting on Wow Slider, Visual Lightbox or the rest of those types of apps, that I have not used in some gallery or another so as long as all those features are there it should be a great program. :)

Extra Request: The ability to preview within the program rather than needing to preview in a browser would be nice.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

One major thing that will be a super MUST for a new slider/gallery program is the ability to put the text anywhere you want and "not" over the top of the photos if you don't want it to be. Ability to add it in a line below, above, etc. as well as on top, but without the all annoying semi transparent background behind it that hides a good portion of your photos.
I'm sure you guys area already aware of that part as there have been quite a few complaints and requests on that.

Great suggestion JoAnn! +1 here
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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