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User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts

next trip is a sweet trip of a web site... gorgeous photos, nice layout -- near the bottom the gutters get lost... although big photos are great, i think on video frames keeping to the nice gutter theory helps a lot more, simply because people want to click on a video to see more, its a kind of ''given'' / whereas on the home page we have to get a killa-signature photo to rip their eyes out and bring them to an action... yeah, if it weren't for design, I'd probably be a ''gangsta'' -- must be too many 007 movies and high value jewelry heist movies! :cool:
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 2778508 Photo

Registered User
31 posts

Thanks for the kind words. I agree with you that the gutters around the videos can be improved.

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Next Trip is a gorgeous site, well done!
A few niggles...
The paragraph over the 'rent a resort... ' photo could use some padding so it's not right againt the edge of the translucent background.
I think letting the footer background and blue area go full-width (like the section photos) would look so much better. As it is, it looks cut off on the sides and a bit crowded.
Same for the 'whole homes' section, the inner shadow and background highlight how narrow that area is compared to the photos above/below it.The 'touring the world' section with the continents behind it (and no shadow) suits the sophisticated style of the site much better. ;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2778508 Photo

Registered User
31 posts

Thanks for reviewing the site, Paintbrush. I implemented all of your and Izzi's suggestions. In the process, I found a couple other things that needed to be tweaked.
User 2800147 Photo

Registered User
68 posts

Hello Curtis,

That is a fantastic website. The modern and eye-catching feel is great.
I love the video section all playing simultaneously when clicked on.
Are there some tutorials out there, where I could be shown to do this
or could you give me a few pointers.
Furiously learning and enjoying RSD.

User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts GORGEOUS AND INSPIRING... did you use Flex Box?
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 2778508 Photo

Registered User
31 posts

@Izzi: Thanks for the kind words. No, I did not use Flex Box. I'm thinking of reengineering some of the pages using Flex Box to see how much easier or difficult it would be and to learn about Flex Box.

@Anne: There might be tutorials on how to do that but I didn't use them. It's no secret because it's in the HTML code -- I used Wistia ( as the video host. Wistia provides the responsive HTML and I used the RSD HTML Element to insert the code into the page. I experimented with 12 other solutions but the Wistia solution was the easiest and gave the best results. Like you, I chuckled the first time I brought the page up and ran all three videos simultaneously.

User 2800147 Photo

Registered User
68 posts

Thanks Curtis. I'll check it out.
User 2806889 Photo

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64 posts

My first website made with coffeecup RSD is Constructive criticism and advice are always welcome. Made with the tea template.
User 2699991 Photo

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4,993 posts

Hello Jeffrey from sunny Bali
Nice design, just a couple of points.
Home Page
On Opera with 14"laptop the first paragraph
"Our commitment to excellence is built on teamwork and the belief that partnering your vision with our experience will lead to sterling results." could just use a bit more padding on the right, I goes right up to the edge of the box. It is ok with Chrome/Microsoft Edge and Firefox.
The titles under the images "RESIDENTIAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL" need resizing for smaller screen displays they start to overlap each other (thats on all browsers) also the images need adjusting at smaller screen sizes.(a little bit before you make everything go full width at the smaller screen sizes.) Everything is ok once you make the images go full screen (12 spans ) for the really small size screens, looks good on my smartphone in portrait mode, but not in landscape. Needs adjusting in all modes (landscape and portrait) for samsung tab.

I haven't yet had time to look at the other pages but suspect there could be same issues on them.

One more small thing would be to lift up your menu I(increase bottom margin) at the top of the pages, just a little bit it just looks a little close to the bottom (especially when scrolling) but that is only a very small issue and perhaps a personal point of view rather than global)

Have a good day wherever in the world you are
Really nice design though,

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