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User 28224 Photo

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Well- here is my 1st attempt. I know there are problems when it gets smaller. any help or suggestions would be great- I would like to use this as my template for the rest of the pages, but put a slideshow where the welcome is on other pages.
Thanx in advance for any help.Uploaded to my new S-Drive site!!! moving from another host- think CoffeeCup will continue to make my webpage life much easier! :-)

His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 28224 Photo

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48 posts

Chris Fourie wrote:
Here is my first site designed with RSD. I have also used WFB (Web Form Builder) & RCS (Responsive Content Slider)

That is an awesome site! Everyone keeps telling me to keep things white and unobtrusive, but I think your site is very very classy! Well done! Cheers
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 28224 Photo

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48 posts

Chris Fourie wrote:
Here is my first site designed with RSD. I have also used WFB (Web Form Builder) & RCS (Responsive Content Slider)

Just wondering if you used the menu builder for your site. I would like a drop down on my site as well, but cannot figure how to make that happen. Any advise would be wonderful.
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 2747383 Photo

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7 posts

Finally finished our redesign. Coffee Cup I wouldn't have been able to complete this project with out you! Your customer service was/is excellent. OK guys here it is!

We've already received great feedback from our clients and we've already seen an increase in inquires!

Thanks again for the amazing software!

User 336851 Photo

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27 posts

Dee Hernandez wrote:
Finally finished our redesign. Coffee Cup I wouldn't have been able to complete this project with out you! Your customer service was/is excellent. OK guys here it is!
We've already received great feedback from our clients and we've already seen an increase in inquires!

Great job Dianne!
User 336851 Photo

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27 posts

Finally finished the redesign of our family home page, the 23rd version! It's not perfect but it IS 1000% better than the old html version. NEW rsd page=
OLD page=
I did run into a problem with the 2nd page I created in RSD (1st time I attempted 2 pages in a project). The problem is NOT with RSD but with the link to the 'hummerstory' page. This is a copy of the page I want added, but no matter what I change the link to I can't get it to work from my main index page!! I thought it would be really simple to make a 2 page project but this link problem has me really baffled; I either had a brain fart or it's a directory tree problem. My account is on StartLogic, my main index files are in the root directory. Later today I'll create a subdirectory for the story page and link to it the way my 'karen's designs' page is linked because that works AND I'd rather continue to work on other RSD pages.
User 28224 Photo

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48 posts

Dee Hernandez wrote:
Finally finished our redesign. Coffee Cup I wouldn't have been able to complete this project with out you! Your customer service was/is excellent. OK guys here it is!

His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 28224 Photo

Registered User
48 posts

Karen Del Pellegrino wrote:
Finally finished the redesign of our family home page, the 23rd version! It's not perfect but it IS 1000% better than the old html version. NEW rsd page=
OLD page=

Big difference between the two pages! Nice! When I shrink it on my phone the top menu gets really small, and I too am having a hard time creating a menu that will work there, I just haven't figured it all out yet, I am sure there is a way to go to the small menu using the menu builder, but I can't figure that out. Good job- Karen!!!
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 336851 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

Lynn Snell wrote:
Big difference between the two pages! Nice! When I shrink it on my phone the top menu gets really small, and I too am having a hard time creating a menu that will work there, I just haven't figured it all out yet, I am sure there is a way to go to the small menu using the menu builder, but I can't figure that out. Good job- Karen!!!

Thanks! I didn't use breakpoints in the final because I couldn't get them to work correctly & really wanted something quick. As I learn on other pages desperate for redesign I'll figure it out and come back to it. Hope you're having as much fun with RSD as I am.
User 2071130 Photo

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7 posts

Ger van veen wrote:

This is my first site with RSD

How did you get your pitures to rotate in on the main image slider? Very Cool!!!

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