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User 28224 Photo

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Donna Wildeboer wrote:
[quote=Ger van veen]Hello

This is my first site with RSD

THAT IS so beautiful! Thanx for the inspiration. Did you use lightbox or something else under accommodate heading? Live the way they work.
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 235919 Photo

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7 posts


You are thinking of is a complete system that is installed on personal domains.

Its the most popular CMS/Blogging platform in the world, and its free. I am surprised you werent aware of it, but I guess everyone has to be introduced to everything at some point. It can be confusing to know that Wordpress comes in 2 flavors!

Karen Del Pellegrino wrote:
Mark Shirley wrote:
Hate to be a party pooper, but Headway Themes and Wordpress blow this out of the water. I mean, there is just no comparison, and the price is about the same.
I found your post interesting so I googled and found "Create your site using Headway, the original drag and drop website builder for WordPress. Whether you are a beginner or developer, Headway is for you!" I think that's fine if you create on wordpress, but I don't. I prefer to use my own domains so I'm not dependent on the whims of the domain owner (ie: wordpress). I was burned many years ago by creating a website that way which is why I turned to owning my own 'space'. I have control when I own the software program and my own little cyber-plot though it does require more work. I'm not against creating a page on sites like Wordpress, Tripod, Wix, etc., I just realize that it's not really 'mine', I'm a guest on someone else's domain. Plus I get to frustrate myself beyond belief by trying to keep up with all the new advances and staying up to date which RSD is enabling me to do. I began way back with WebTV as my only internet connection (yes, I am that old!) so all this new fangled responsive design keeps me on my toes!
User 336851 Photo

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Mark Shirley wrote:
You are thinking of is a complete system that is installed on personal domains.
Its the most popular CMS/Blogging platform in the world, and its free. I am surprised you werent aware of it, but I guess everyone has to be introduced to everything at some point. It can be confusing to know that Wordpress comes in 2 flavors!
You're right, I had no idea, thanks for the info! That's a game changer & I'm adding it to my list of things to investigate. Just remember, if I start blogging your responsible! LOL
User 2819400 Photo

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I actually posted this in the wrong forum earlier. Its a site I just finished, using The Beach theme as a base.
User 2088758 Photo

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Nicely done Scott!
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 28224 Photo

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NICE Scott ! Thank you for the inspiration to keep working on our website. :-)
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 29283 Photo

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Scott, where did you get the Beach Theme? I have been looking for more themes w/o much success.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Bob wrote:
Scott, where did you get the Beach Theme? I have been looking for more themes w/o much success.

I think Scott meant the Coast Theme which is included within RSD.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2819400 Photo

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65 posts

Yes! The Coast theme... sorry. It came with RSD 1.5 as Scott said.
I never new anything about building websites prior to January 1st this year, not even HTML code. I spent a few days on khan academy learning HTML and CSS basics then purchased CC's HTML Editor. Made my first ever site with that:
That was fun and easy to learn, the library was very helpful. Then bought the CC Responsive Pack... awesome! Last purchase was the Access Manager which is a very cool little app. For someone who new nothing prior to 2 months ago, I have learnt alot in a short time. Yes, there is a learning curve to get around but it pays off, and I have so much more to learn. It may be easier that I didn't transfer from another program type to CC, but I think CC software is very intuitive and opens up so many possibilities.
Thank you for all your kind words about my 2nd website. I'm working on a 3rd now for another charity overseas.
P.S. I am not an employee of, or affiliated with, CC at all, and my coments are based on my newbie experience only... although I wish I did work for CC :P
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Here is my first attempt at creating a site in RSD. Started it in v1.2 and finished it in the newly released v1.5 (Feb 16). Once you get your head around the basics of how RSD puts controls around elements, it starts to become a 'rapid' site design tool :).

Includes elements like drop-down menus, google maps, embedded Youtube, external site links, file download links, shopping cart links, mapped images (mouse sensitive clickable image on home page) ...

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