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User 2819400 Photo

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65 posts

Steve wrote:
Its been a while since I shared a site so here are a few of sites I built with RSD.

Nice responsiveness. Love the cabin slider, very clever. Hope I can get to that skill level with sliders.
User 2787613 Photo

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7 posts

converting and trying to keep the look of the old site, with CC has been challenging...but I think I'm getting there...

1) I always have to go to preview mode and drag the pointer all the way to the right to max things out...shouldn't there be an easy way to do this? one button click to max that slider? sometimes I have to do it 2 3 times to get it to max res....otherwise I end up doing work in less then max res and find out I have to redo it (I slide to the right to max and find its different etc...which is why I always make sure that slider is all the way to the right..)...its a constant irritation.......should be a way to one click max that I missing something? also any suggestions, I'll take I am flying by the seat of my pants here...
Jim T.
User 2819400 Photo

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65 posts

Jim Taylor wrote:

converting and trying to keep the look of the old site, with CC has been challenging...but I think I'm getting there...

1) I always have to go to preview mode and drag the pointer all the way to the right to max things out...shouldn't there be an easy way to do this? one button click to max that slider? sometimes I have to do it 2 3 times to get it to max res....otherwise I end up doing work in less then max res and find out I have to redo it (I slide to the right to max and find its different etc...which is why I always make sure that slider is all the way to the right..)...its a constant irritation.......should be a way to one click max that I missing something? also any suggestions, I'll take I am flying by the seat of my pants here...

I see where you are coming from, try using the zoom (magnifying glasses) buttons to the top left so you can view all your break points.. Great job on the site though. I quite like what you have done.
User 28224 Photo

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48 posts

Jim Taylor wrote:
converting and trying to keep the look of the old site, with CC has been challenging...but I think I'm getting there...

Thanx for sharing- nice job. This forum keeps me motivated and inspired.
His Peace Always
Lynn Snell
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

Jim Taylor wrote:
converting and trying to keep the look of the old site, with CC has been challenging...but I think I'm getting there...

I've look at this site twice as I have read this forum. And each time, I instinctively hover over or look for the links at "rent or purchase violins | order online | nationwide delivery" It looks like it is a menu. IMHO, make it a menu, or distinguish the text so that it does not appear to be a menu. I might have this opinion because in my browser with my settings, the page comes up, and the product boxes are not fully displayed, and so there are no buttons to be seen, and that text is sort just an inverse of the menu at the top. I suggest taking another look at it, because it seems to be dead center, where one might want a call to action. I think they should be links. When the page comes up, with the dark background, my eyes immediately go right to the white bar running across. That is why I think it should be your primary call to action. If there are no pages, make one that describes the violin rental process - I don't play a violin and I could not image the process involved of renting one, and maybe new players (and their parents) might not either.
User 2818626 Photo

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3 posts

Here is a new RSD website built and put online last week.
The slider was built using the CC Content Slider
The SCHEDULE SERVICE FORM was built using the CC Web Form builder
User 2088758 Photo

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Very Nice TW!
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2096646 Photo

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3 posts

Here's is a site I made using RSD and RCS. The music player I'm using is "Amazing Audio Player". I just started learning the coffeecup software about 3 weeks ago. I'm still pretty clueless about the more advanced methods of controlling the placement of elements, but I managed to get things looking pretty much the way I wanted. If you have any suggestions as to how I can improved the sites look or responsiveness, please share! Thanks, Adam Pace
User 2819400 Photo

Registered User
65 posts

Hi Adam

Maybe crop those images to the same dimensions. On my phone they push the content underneath down as they change.
User 2096646 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Thanks Scott Williams. I did that last night - went into photoshop and resized every image to be exactly 500 px tall (the widths vary, but the height is identical on everything now). I was using Safari to preview and test my work. Everything looked fine in Safari, but things went awry in Chrome, Edge, IE. The pictures, being of all different dimensions, were actually overlapping the thumbnails in those browsers. Anyway, making the height uniform (and setting all dimensions in RCS to "auto") seems to have worked.

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