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User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

Nevermind that, I think I found it - not sure why completely, but ignore my previous post, change this setting to auto;
.row .coffee-span-12 {
/* width: 100%; */
This should be the child of the #footer, <nav class="coffee-span-12 header-cover">
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

I went back to visit this because I know that change, charged other formatting. But for some reason, that setting did not make any new changes today, not sure if you uploaded a new version. I'm trying to figure this out, so I can avoid such issues.

Today, I noticed it, despite combing through it yesterday, that an entire column is pushed right, so I believe without a max width for my viewport, the row will just keep going. It did not show this way in the Inspector tool yesterday for me (if you have not used that Firefox tool add/on, it is great to see what changes what on a website, and the code behind it). The row was slightly off center, and had a push of 2. In the inspector tool, I can see that the bottom nav row was having a span of 12 and a push of 2 by the div classes created by RSD. I was manually able to set the span width to 10 (instead of 12) and set the push to 1. It centered that nav row, and got rid of the horiz scrollbar. I really have no idea why I did not see it last night, or if the file was changed because I was literally clicking on every element I could find to see what extended.

Look for the nav row at the bottom, and in the subgrid - the column should see has a span of 12, and a push of 2. Change to 10 and 1.
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts


How my grid layout looks like.
How do I set it up.
How many columns can I use in my project

Hoe ziet mijn grid layout eruit?. Hoeveel kolommen en rijen kan ik gebruiken?.

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Stephane Fonteyne
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User 2817002 Photo

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14 posts

Hi Bill! I have not uploaded a new version today yet. I will be looking at it all later. I will look at the firefox too. I use chrome, so maybe I will switch. In my full-width view (1920), things drop off at about the 1749 mark but I cannot get past there to set break points in RSD. Do you know how to hide the sidebar in RSD? Thank you so much for your help!

BIll G wrote:
I went back to visit this because I know that change, charged other formatting. But for some reason, that setting did not make any new changes today, not sure if you uploaded a new version. I'm trying to figure this out, so I can avoid such issues.

Today, I noticed it, despite combing through it yesterday, that an entire column is pushed right, so I believe without a max width for my viewport, the row will just keep going. It did not show this way in the Inspector tool yesterday for me (if you have not used that Firefox tool add/on, it is great to see what changes what on a website, and the code behind it). The row was slightly off center, and had a push of 2. In the inspector tool, I can see that the bottom nav row was having a span of 12 and a push of 2 by the div classes created by RSD. I was manually able to set the span width to 10 (instead of 12) and set the push to 1. It centered that nav row, and got rid of the horiz scrollbar. I really have no idea why I did not see it last night, or if the file was changed because I was literally clicking on every element I could find to see what extended.

Look for the nav row at the bottom, and in the subgrid - the column should see has a span of 12, and a push of 2. Change to 10 and 1.
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
~ Edward Abbey
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

Sher wrote:
Hi Bill! I have not uploaded a new version today yet. I will be looking at it all later. I will look at the firefox too. I use chrome, so maybe I will switch. In my full-width view (1920), things drop off at about the 1749 mark but I cannot get past there to set break points in RSD. Do you know how to hide the sidebar in RSD? Thank you so much for your help!
There is a little arrow on the upper right, or you have to zoom out. Fixing that full width column that is pushed out, should fix it.
User 2817002 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

BIll G wrote:
Sher wrote:
Hi Bill! I have not uploaded a new version today yet. I will be looking at it all later. I will look at the firefox too. I use chrome, so maybe I will switch. In my full-width view (1920), things drop off at about the 1749 mark but I cannot get past there to set break points in RSD. Do you know how to hide the sidebar in RSD? Thank you so much for your help!
There is a little arrow on the upper right, or you have to zoom out. Fixing that full width column that is pushed out, should fix it.

I give up. It looks different on different browsers and I'm at my wit's end with it. :( :/ I can't even get it to display correctly on S-drive, so I dont know how I'd ever get it to work on another site. Stick a fork in me - I'm done! :mad:
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
~ Edward Abbey
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

Sher wrote:

I give up. It looks different on different browsers and I'm at my wit's end with it. :( :/ I can't even get it to display correctly on S-drive, so I dont know how I'd ever get it to work on another site. Stick a fork in me - I'm done! :mad:

Open a support ticket Sher and attach your project. I would be happy to take a look at it for you. :P
User 2817002 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

Adam East wrote:
Sher wrote:

I give up. It looks different on different browsers and I'm at my wit's end with it. :( :/ I can't even get it to display correctly on S-drive, so I dont know how I'd ever get it to work on another site. Stick a fork in me - I'm done! :mad:

Open a support ticket Sher and attach your project. I would be happy to take a look at it for you. :P

OK, I did it, Adam. :)
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
~ Edward Abbey
User 476372 Photo

Registered User
196 posts


I am new to RSD. I have only been playing around with if for short time. Here is my first complete site done in RSD. I have to say, it took me a while to get the hang of the program, but once I did, it has been AWESOME! Anyway, please let me know what you think.

Thanks! :)
SPOON FROG graphics - Affordable Web Site Design & Ecommerce Design
User 113083 Photo

251 posts

Hi Spoonfrog
Your site looks awesome!:D
Regards Peter

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