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spoonfrog wrote:

I am new to RSD. I have only been playing around with if for short time. Here is my first complete site done in RSD. I have to say, it took me a while to get the hang of the program, but once I did, it has been AWESOME! Anyway, please let me know what you think.

Thanks! :)

Wow!!! Great looking website Spoon!
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 400908 Photo

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67 posts you got the wow-factor award from me. great site. you have inspired me. reading the code and understanding how you used coffee cup. Like Adam (support at CC) it takes for ever to get the ''aha'' moment but when it comes, its worth it. Spoon Frog, you definitely got your share of aha moments!:D
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 283347 Photo

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Great layout!! Great looking site!!

User 2825870 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

Looks great, cool use of static background and bright colours.
I got CoffeeCup designer bundle about a month ago to redo our old site and make it RSD
User 2825870 Photo

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11 posts

Hi Donna Wildeboer
Just taken a look at your site
I`m afraid I am not a fan of the font used on the side navigation buttons, also why 3 different navigation systems ?
have you thought about extending navigation (like CoffeeCup top buttons)
Hope this helps and is meant as constructive
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

paul dalley wrote:
Looks great, cool use of static background and bright colours.
I got CoffeeCup designer bundle about a month ago to redo our old site and make it RSD

In your slider, right before the last side is delivered, a full size image is displayed in Firefox (but not MS Edge), then it goes to the appropriate size. And it seems based on what slide there is - there is a pixel or shift down in browsers. Firefox is telling me the range goes from 456 to 459 (in addition tot he full image that is briefly displayed) and it seems to happen while the slide is displayed. The slider container/row/column is what is increasing in height. In MS Explorer 11, that final image is delivered visually the correct size, but the containing element is still ranged out to a height of 700+ pixels, it pushes everything down, but unlike Firebox, it just shows the background color for that half second or so. I am unfamiliar with RCS, but I am sure the solution is in there though.
User 2825870 Photo

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11 posts

Hi Jim and Lynn
Nice site
A little tip : convert photos to .png to speed up load times
This gives very close quality but a fraction of the size in Kb
(I use gimp to do this, its also free)
User 2825870 Photo

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11 posts

Hi Bill
Thanks for taking a look
I have also noticed the slider shift but not on all slides, I will take a close look at the slides.
I have limited the widths but seems to shrink on one slide in two slidshows
User 2834679 Photo

2 posts

Nice post. Thanks for ideas and own views about Responsive Site Designer.
Today, proliferation of web applications on smart phones, tablets and multiple devices is increasing rapidly. A [b]responsive web design can help to adapt to the user’s environment sublimely and from desktops to Smartphone’s, it’s easier for the users to access the content no matter where they are. Therefore, the need to develop responsive websites has grown drastically.

User 131545 Photo

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687 posts

Inger and webdesigners ,

This content and format should I on my page. How do I share it in with columns and rows and wants it to also responsive is created That is all content, so the titles and subtitles, and the texts that should be present on the page: … post261125

I now have the question how does my grid layout look like?. How many rows can I in any page design and how many columns?.
What made template can I use best with the design of my website?
See the project summary in the previous post here

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Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
Application Software PowerBasic Developer
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