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I really like the changing background image as you scroll the foreground - how on earth did you do that (have I missed something obvious?)


Chris Fourie wrote:
Hi All

My most recent website using RSD. This is a single page site with an embedded form designed using CP's Web Form Builder.

Any comments or feedback would be appreciated

User 2490929 Photo

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10 posts

I just finished this site using The Coast theme as a starting point and taking off from there.

I'm happy with it. I really like how it looks on my desktop/laptop. There are a few things that I'm not quite sure how to fix when viewed on my phone. For example, I'm not sure how to fix the sunset image and the small images of the trucks/warehouse at the very bottom. They move around in kind of strange ways.

I would love to be able to add a "contact" button like is found on the Rocket theme. Can someone point me to some instructions on how to set that up? I would really appreciate that!

Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!
User 2490929 Photo

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Agreed! That is really cool. How did you do that?

Steve Sharkey wrote:
I really like the changing background image as you scroll the foreground - how on earth did you do that (have I missed something obvious?)


Chris Fourie wrote:
Hi All

My most recent website using RSD. This is a single page site with an embedded form designed using CP's Web Form Builder.

Any comments or feedback would be appreciated

User 2699991 Photo

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George N. wrote:
I just finished this site using The Coast theme as a starting point and taking off from there.

I'm happy with it. I really like how it looks on my desktop/laptop. There are a few things that I'm not quite sure how to fix when viewed on my phone. For example, I'm not sure how to fix the sunset image and the small images of the trucks/warehouse at the very bottom. They move around in kind of strange ways.

I would love to be able to add a "contact" button like is found on the Rocket theme. Can someone point me to some instructions on how to set that up? I would really appreciate that!

Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

Hi from Sunny/Rainy Bali
Difficult to suggest about the small images without knowing how you have placed them )i.e in a column, in a container within a column etc, one thing about them though is that the two of the interior of the warehouse are slightly smaller in height than the other 2, altough it shouldn't be a problem Especially if you have flexed them (within a container) but might show up more when they are stacking (especially if they are different widths also.

Your sunset image looks like it is set to repeat at the smaller viewport sizes (background Image resource repeat X )

I don't have themes so can't help also with the button, but would suggest that you open the theme, and look at all the settings (font /background colour/gradient radius and all others, (don't forget to look at the settings etc for the Hover condition also, then replicate it on your site using the same settings etc (give it a unique class name and ID right at the beginning so you don't mess up any other buttons you have)

One other small thing I would suggest is a little bit more space around your location map at lower viewports, it has some but I found it difficult to scroll past it on my phone, possible but difficult, a bit more padding or less % width would help.

Have a great day
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User 2490929 Photo

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Thanks for the input! I appreciate it. I'll look into those suggestions!
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

George N. wrote:
Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

What is your email? Is it the email on the webpage you built? I have some concerns...
User 2490929 Photo

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10 posts

Yeah, the email address on the site will come to me at work. Thanks!
User 2817418 Photo

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Hi all,
New to RSD. Boy, a lot to learn. Took the Coast theme and modified it with RSD and added RCS and some music.
It seems to work pretty nice across different sizes. Trying to wrap my mind around breakpoints. Really liking RSD. Still a lot to learn.

Really enjoyed Chris's site at Looks really cool!

User 124934 Photo

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Hey Guys,

This is my first attempt (2 pages so far HOME & GALLERY)

I'm getting there but it's turned out to be more of a learning curve then I imagined. I've got a few questions for those of you who know this RSD program, if you don't mind.

The text where it say Welcome to San Jose DJ under the large picture. It works fine all the way down to mobile, however in mobile view the paragraph under it, moves up directly under header. Is that because the header is wrapping, or is there some sort of special padding or something I'm suppose to add to this box that IF it wraps it pushes down the paragraphs below? Remember when it was <br> or <p> solved this problem.

And the last sentence which has the phone number... I cannot figure out HOW to center that line without it centering everything within that box. Tried copying that box and pasting it below, centered that line and again centered everything in the box above it... So Frustrating!!

My other question, when using a full size image (Home Page) or Pictures (Gallery Page), are you suppose to substitute smaller and smaller images downward toward mobile friendly (at each breaking point). I'm concerned that using all large images makes them to large for mobile devices.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
User 2685953 Photo

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Still trying to get the hang of it. First attempt using RSD...

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