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User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Hi Pat I think you are missing the point here. Just adding breakpoints means nothing at all if you don't adjust you column spans when it hits those breakpoints. You may want to also consider changing other things like font size, padding, and margins when moving from break point to break point.

I would not worry so much at the exact pixel your break points are at either. What you want to do is start your website out at full layout size, meaning there are no breakpoints to the right of the slider. Then start moving yours slider to the left. When your layout starts squishing together and things start looking out of place, start changing your column spans for those columns so the content does not look so squished. You may consider changing the fonts size and column padding/margins at the same time just to clean things up. Once you are happy with the way it looks continue to move the slider to the left until it "breaks" again. Add a breakpoint, fix up the content and continue this process until your website is at its lowest setting.

Once you accomplish this your website is truly responsive. You will not have to worry if tomorrow Samsung comes out with a new device size as it wont matter because you have fixed your website to look good at every possible screen size.

Hope this makes sense.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 18402 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Hello all,
I need you all to take a look and tell what does not work. I am having a brain fart on making the social I con work. Help with that?

please take a look and let me know.
User 2271387 Photo

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99 posts

With the help of the Coffeecup Staff and Coffeecup Community,

• the goals at this point is to first, produce a responsive web site, that is, a site that will re-size depending upon the viewing device, rather will this page fit on most devices that are in public viewing market?

• Secondly, if the CoffeeCup Staff and/or CoffeeCup Community agrees that this appropriate re-sizing has been obtain, then I can move forward and reset this pending site for public viewing by going beyond the typical bells and whistles programs in the market and employ those various unique features and attributes that make Responsive Site Design and Coffeecup outstanding

• And lastly, beyond the contents listed on this page, please make any and all comments that will assist me in this endeavor to set up a web site, as I admit that this rough/drafted index-first page does not reflect any of RSD capabilities, other than resizing,

Thank you Coffeecup
Windows 8.1 Pro
RSD V 1.0 Build 680
IE 11
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Reality: I think you missed uploading half your site, it's definitely not like it should be :P
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

That's to much content on your index page. Use small snippets for each subject to entice readers then put the full content on another page.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2271387 Photo

Registered User
99 posts

Understood…Jo Ann, Eric….thank you for taking the time to share your time and experiences with me…back to the drawing board I shall go….Thank you and the Coffeecup Community …

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Ok I thought I would share another website I completed for the Regina International Film Festival. The basic layout was created with RLMP and finished in RSD.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Alan, over-all it's a very nice site. Calm and elegant – easy to see and find what's on offer.

About your icons; Try adjusting your icon sizes and margins. It seems the FB icon is different from the others, but here's what happens with the rest of them with a few tweaks:
As you go down to smaller screen sizes, adjust the left-right padding within the container so the icons will have room to stay in one line or stacked in 2 rows.

I'm a bit confused by your contact info. Why don't you have a form there so users could submit all of that info? It doesn't make sense to just send a name and email – and then what? They still have to call to give you the rest of their info?

*** The photo above "Handles Woods Acrylics" is very pixelated. Try using a larger photo to start with. ;)
*** In the bottom menu, you've got handels instead of handle :P
Good work :)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Reality GDK, I hardly know what to say. :o
I would suggest you have a look at other content/text heavy sites and get some inspiration.

Here's a text-heavy site that has info and suggestions for designing such a site:


Steve, very slick! :cool: Perfect look for a cinema/entertainment related site. The gold on black is really nice.
Clear navigation; I can see at a glance everything on offer and I like how the <h3> headings identify each page.;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 486215 Photo

Registered User
79 posts

Webmaster wrote:
Several years ago I made a website for two ladies who liked 70s music because they grew up in that era.
The original site is:

The first version of an RSD site is:
This site uses some simple javascript/jQuery code to dynamically select the music file. I wrote the code myself, after. having forgotten how to code anything in jQuery! Files are selected by pressing buttons above the player. (Added in this latest post: actually pretty crude stuff...)

The second version of an RSD site is:
This site again uses javascript/jQuery code to select the music file. I obtained what I thought was better jQuery code from Files are selected from a unordered list and played automatically. (Added in this latest post: code is good, much better than mine, but does not give a complete player)

I finally found some much richer and more comprehensive player code at: This code is not reponsive, but will give a small enough audio player to fit on mobile devices. It is "free and open source" code. It has many player options in the "examples" folder of the downloaded software. I only used one of them.

I have replaced the first site: with a new version built with players from this new code. It works on desktop/laptop computers and, at least, on my Android smartphone. The iPhone emulator says it works on iPhone 4 too.

The second version: is now gone because of file space limitations.

If you want a music player to replace Web Jukebox for mobile devices, I think this is the way to go.

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