Site Designer suggestions - Page 12 -...

User 244626 Photo

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811 posts

I would like to separate the utility classes of the framework from my Type classes.

Currently on a div you have the Layout Class applied in a different box than a Type class which is really nice.

I need you to take it one step further and seperate the utility classes from my custom Type classes.

The reason is if you use a lot of utility classes from the dropdown like pt-5, pb-2, mr-auto etc etc it becomes a chore when I add a single custom class in which should store my custom settings. I now have to disable all the utility classes in order to apply a setting to my custom class. Please add a box to hold just the utility classes as they are specific and will not change.
Bootstrap 5 CSS Grid.
User 379556 Photo

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1,555 posts

Twinstream wrote:
I would like to separate the utility classes of the framework from my Type classes ...

I fully agree with Twinstream's suggestion. It led me to consider that perhaps other modifications could be made to simplify the working and box names regarding classes.

1. Adopting Twinstream's suggestion could lead to reconsideration of box names, as Type Class seems oddly as though this was something to do with the Type selector.

I suggest that there be the following groups for classes -
(a) Layout Classes,
(b) Framework Classes, and
(c) User Classes (instead of the current Type Class) .

2. Rather than having individually to disable each of the other classes when adding a new class, I suggest that in the User Classes there be the ability to right-click on a class name and choose either
(a) Disable Other User Classes, or
(b) Enable All User Classes.

User 2866788 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

Html5 Canvas should be added in tab Elements.
User 2614236 Photo

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141 posts

Just a small suggestion

I had the pleasure of downloading a few themes into site designer and thanks a lot for providing many free ones. Yes I have bought a couple as well.

I thought it would be nice to put my themes into certain categories etc so they are easy to find or to just in general move them about accordingly.

Then lo there seems to be no file manager type interface in this section to do it. Might be worth a little tweak to provide this especially if more and more themes start being produced. Have asked others on here but no one seems to be able to do this.

For your consideration
User 2906089 Photo

Registered User
226 posts

I've been using more cloud based storage solutions lately, it would be great if I could have access to them directly in CC apps. An option that is future proof, not a hard coded one. In other words, git support is not enough :-)

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User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

Change heading and text tags.

This can be done with containers/divs. It should be allowed for headings, at minimum. Test fields should eb allowed to be changed into headings, and vice versa, with the option to keep the previous styles the element used.

This is important for SEO. After a page is marked up, one finds that headings needs to be changed, then they must be manually restyled again. Search engines prioritize H1 over H2, over H3 etc. I can find my .h2 should really be a .h3. Or my .h2 should be a h1. Right now, to change a heading tag, the entire element must be deleted, and a new element added.
User 2906089 Photo

Registered User
226 posts

Regarding Bills post, I agree 2000%!!!

Regarding forms in SD, I would like to see a custom input elements be made available. That way, if any input types are missing we could still make it happen without waiting for future updates.

The new Element Export feature needs two tweaks. First is a single keypress short-cut to activate the screen and the second one is to wrap long lines in a easy to read format.

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User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

I'd like an easier way to get to the display none. For example, I had a grid. I then have to select more drop down, then select none, then reverse the process to show it.

which leads me to::::
Almost everything, if not everything in a selection is exclusive. I'd like to see more radio boxes for quick selections. some things have three lines for a drop down.

UNIVERSAL CLASSES! COPY/LINK ATTRIBUTES FROM ONE CLASS TO ANOTHER! I sort of understand why when one creates a class for a container, its for containers only. But, many things have cross uses. That is the ESSENCE OF CSS! It drives me nuts, seriously. That I can't create a font, background color, decoration and just have that class in my pocket to apply it whenever the hell I want, without having to recreate it everywhere. I know symbols can do that, but elements can go into and out of symbols. I think of symbols to be for major page elements, not uniform text decoration and padding - which I don't think symbols can do anyway!
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

PLEASE - add options to

I am tired of trying to figure out how the insertion process is going to happen, and how moving an element in the tree is going to work. Just make these options available so we don't have to fight the tree any longer.
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,555 posts

The above suggestion prompts the following further suggestions

I find that the Help Dialog, Keyboard Shortcuts tab, under the two Elements Tree headings is extremely useful, and it is also useful that the the Help Dialog opens to the tab last used. I think the following two suggestions regarding the Help Dialog button would make it even more useful:

(a) that the button be made into a toggle button so that one could quickly remind oneself of keyboard shortcuts by clicking on it and then clicking on it again to close it without having to move the mouse down to the close button (but I would retain the close button);

(b) that the button by default opens on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, as that is the only tab that one is likely to want to access quickly while in the middle of other actions - the other tabs refer to links to more expansive matters.


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