Whislist for the Site Designer v4.0, Visual Form Designer v4.0
Best Support,
It's been a good step towards a single HTML editor in the HTML element.
Whislist for 2020
Buildin custom editor (the editor include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript)
in each HTML element +
input field for inline style and javascript events
1) It would be a very interesting field to be provided for each HTML element that can add to code in JavaScript and inline style.
From "your CSS Readonly" to your CSS Read or Writeonly" the developer can set this
2) Please also the ability to "your CSS" from read only with an tat setting the developer can modify and add css "to read and write only"
New components in the website?
3) When the components are coming? We waiting an very long time of about 3 years
4) like because we have been waiting three years or almost four years on
adding all input HTML5 form elements as "week", "date", "date time", "color" etc ... and all of its
new HTML5 attributes.
5) Please buildin the Site Designer the
CSS properties like "
animation". Maybe with an dialog window
6) The possibility that some plugins are included to easily
jquery plugins (a type of
assets folder in the project and can be selected by the developer what you need or not it could be a very good value for many cc developers among us and that makes the site Designer to sophisticated and even better to work with.
7) Please include
prebuild sections in the site designer or opportunity all HTML5 / CSS3 / JS code
to import the site Designer.
8) I like a b
asic wireframe at startup as a section, container, row and column in bootstrap 4, foundation 6
Add classes and the components of classes for the
vanilla css framework
10) Add the
new CSS Framework w3c.css
12) I like the possibility of
pre-made templates to make it through
global settings for color, the font etc ... with
change the SASS and SCSS variables -->
Theme Global Settings
13) like a field for an event to determine whether an inline style rule to register any HTML5 element.
14) I like the ability to
customize the CSS Frameworks by changing the variables in both Bootstrap4, Foundation6, Materialize, Vanilla. We really miss this opportunity very much in Site Designer.
made component sections "about me", "Services", "contact", "testimonials", "headers", "footers", "navigation menus '' brands '
I hope that you implement en build in the Site Designer and Visual Form Designer
With Kind regards
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
Application Software PowerBasic Developer
e-mail : stephane.fonteyne@telenet.be
gmail : stephane760126@gmail.com
linkin : in : <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephane-fonteyn/53/402/204>
twitter : @Stefke36