Site Designer suggestions - Page 22 -...

User 2793720 Photo

Registered User
66 posts

The more I use site designer the more I am frustrated by the small size of the elements tree window. Could we have the ability to drag the divider down and make this section longer? I've included a screen capture with markings that show where I would like to be able to drag it down so I can re-size the "windows".
User 2793720 Photo

Registered User
66 posts

I get a lot of issues where site designer goes screwy. All solved by closing down and restarting the app. Am I the only one?
User 379556 Photo

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1,555 posts

Steve Sharkey wrote:
... frustrated by the small size of the elements tree window.

I think that has been partly answered in the latest updates which have the 'Selected Element Properties' in a different (new) panel. Clicking on the triangle icons in the top left corner of the panels below the Elements Tree does, of course, expand the Elements Tree to its maximum height.

A facility to expand the individual 'windows' in the Elements Tree would indeed be welcome.

User 131545 Photo

Registered User
687 posts

Hey Hans and support from CC

It's great that you listen to your loyal customers and the product has already taken great steps towards a real adult product, now with other options and everyone is satisfied.

By the way, congratulations on the new programmer you now employ and good health to everyone and take good care of yourself

I would like to make sure this in the next update of SD V5.0

1) include the attribute <style> to also have the possibility to also be able to style by html element, then the three levels of styling open a lot of possibilities. (inline, internal and external)

2) The fontawesaome font library would add serious value to over 250,000 icons

3) Implementation of a new CSS framework Tailwindcss and now work a lot with it in code but if this is in SD wow that's gold because it has a lot of possibilities

4) Implementing the animation css library that you can do that with the css settings in the SD to find way too much searching for all those classes.

5) Please be possible when you add a custom css library or js plugin that it immediately recognizes all classes (I mean when you select you see all classes and you can choose that way I would be great from other css classes

6) Please add the other properties of the css flexbox layout

7) Please have the option of preset values ??for colors, fonts at startup so that everything is set to default

8) Please be able to set the padding and margin with all equal values ??by e.g. a checkbox that gives all values ??the same value e.g. 15px is the same for left, top, right and button
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User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,530 posts

Steve Sharkey wrote:
I get a lot of issues where site designer goes screwy. All solved by closing down and restarting the app. Am I the only one?

This has happened to me too, but what I do is describing each of those issues and report them. And they are then taken care of (well, most of them). What you need to do is being specific, give as many details as possible, and report to the CC support. They actually need to be able to 'see' the problem themselves in order to find a fix.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 1222433 Photo

Registered User
66 posts

A PDF user guide would be good instead of the online help version, unless I am missing something, is there a PDF?
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,530 posts

There used to be some PDFs a long time ago, but it is not very practical now, especially not for SD. New builds with new features appear in irregular intervals, which causes new chapters having to be written and older ones to be re-written, so it would just be wasted time making a PDF every time.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,103 posts

I would tend to disagree Phat,

Online version is much more fluid. As Inger suggested above its just not feasible to print something that changes and updates so often. You could always just goto the article and print it for your self if you like and keep a document manually. But you will have to remember to go back often and check for new updates to print off.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2907842 Photo

Registered User
45 posts

I’ve been using CoffeeCup’s responsive site designer religiously since 2018. Basically learning everything through the software. I definitely have come a long way in regards to knowledge and application. I wouldn’t say that I'm an expert in web design. However, I’m definitely confident in my ability to make web development my career. And it’s all thanks to the software. Here’s a few suggestions, ideas, recommendations, or in general just thoughts that I’d like to share. Thanks!

  • (Resources) Project resources
    • Collapse/Expand all folders
        Similarly to the inspector tab there is the ability to expand all nodes as well as collapse all nodes.
      Keyboard shortcut to open project resources
        There is no option to quickly open up resources other than to click on.
      Ability to copy relative path of any file inside project resources
        Either inside the resources or on the inspector tab. Having the option to quickly copy any element or file relative path would make it much easier when one thing to reference media objects.
      Make image files easier to reference
        Inside the inspector tab being able to see the relative file path of media object would be very helpful
      Undo/Redo/cut/copy/paste/delete folder or file inside project resources
        Sometimes the circumstance arises. Were you to accidentally delete files inside of the resources area. Depending on the situation. This can lead to an entire project lost. Context menu options like what is available when you right-click on an element. On file paths and project resources is a big deal
      Improved UI and layout of project resources
        In general it feels like a lot of attention is focused in one area and another is entirely forgotten. Which is fine. However, the resources tab is essential to more advanced projects and a feels like it’s one of the few area in site designer that has not received much attention
      Longer folder or file name preview
        There’s a certain cutoff of characters that can be seen unless you select the item or file. This ties into the previous suggestion. That the resources section of site designer needs to be modernized or at least updated to offer more relevant features
  • Elements
    • (new) element < I > or better fonticon support
        Same editing as text elements
        having that in-line element similar to an HTML element, but with more CSS properties.
        I like using font awesome and you can easily search for an icon and copy the HTML element code. It would be nice to be able to paste the code snippet into site design. while maintaining the built in CSS properties

      More CSS properties for HTML elements (and all elements) .
        Including but not limited to, line height, font size, color, etc.
      Control over default element naming (ex. 'link-container' , 'container')
        Even when working in vanilla JavaScript and disabling all components in the settings. The exported projects still have a wireframe and a few other hidden references that are added after the fact. I understand that some of these are essential however, to really have that control it would be nice to have all the options checked off or on.
      Remove limit on amount of nested div elements inside one another
        I haven’t done much research into the proper syntax for nested <div>. There’s a point when site designer will no longer let you insert any more nested <div> elements. There’s obviously ways around it like using list containers and other means. But it’s sometimes annoying when you reach that limit because you can’t do much more.
  • Project Export
    • Better metadata
        Coffee cup HTML editor has a lot of options regarding metadata it would be nice to have some of those extra metadata options inside page information
      Ability to upload directly to (any) host/server
        Having the alternative option to upload directly to a different server than S-drive. Say for instance I want to upload my files to my host gator domain. It would be nice to have the ability to enter those simple credentials to access the server.
      Possible minification of css/js converge (ex. css-min, js-rollup)
        It’s probably way too complex. However, having the option to really get the most out of your page by having JavaScript process minification on page export
  • Page information
    • More SEO options.
      Better support to improve scores of Google's website lighthouse ratings
        There are certain criteria that Google uses when you run a lighthouse test on a webpage. Having site designer do its best to try to achieve the best score possible, would go a long way.
      Ability to disable a page from being exported.
      Cross framework components
      Save custom attributes to use later.
      Reduce back and forth between element style, and element attributes
      Customizable Keyboard shortcuts
    User 2088758 Photo

    Senior Advisor
    3,103 posts

    Thats quite the list but I have to agree with these improvements! I think a lot of these on the list will be for the more advanced users. I think Coffeeups main target audience is the beginner, do-it-yourselfer-drag-and-drop customer. But I do second this post for sure.

    Bas wrote:
    I’ve been using CoffeeCup’s responsive site designer religiously since 2018. Basically learning everything through the software. I definitely have come a long way in regards to knowledge and application. I wouldn’t say that I'm an expert in web design. However, I’m definitely confident in my ability to make web development my career. And it’s all thanks to the software. Here’s a few suggestions, ideas, recommendations, or in general just thoughts that I’d like to share. Thanks!

  • (Resources) Project resources
    • Collapse/Expand all folders
        Similarly to the inspector tab there is the ability to expand all nodes as well as collapse all nodes.
      Keyboard shortcut to open project resources
        There is no option to quickly open up resources other than to click on.
      Ability to copy relative path of any file inside project resources
        Either inside the resources or on the inspector tab. Having the option to quickly copy any element or file relative path would make it much easier when one thing to reference media objects.
      Make image files easier to reference
        Inside the inspector tab being able to see the relative file path of media object would be very helpful
      Undo/Redo/cut/copy/paste/delete folder or file inside project resources
        Sometimes the circumstance arises. Were you to accidentally delete files inside of the resources area. Depending on the situation. This can lead to an entire project lost. Context menu options like what is available when you right-click on an element. On file paths and project resources is a big deal
      Improved UI and layout of project resources
        In general it feels like a lot of attention is focused in one area and another is entirely forgotten. Which is fine. However, the resources tab is essential to more advanced projects and a feels like it’s one of the few area in site designer that has not received much attention
      Longer folder or file name preview
        There’s a certain cutoff of characters that can be seen unless you select the item or file. This ties into the previous suggestion. That the resources section of site designer needs to be modernized or at least updated to offer more relevant features
  • Elements
    • (new) element < I > or better fonticon support
        Same editing as text elements
        having that in-line element similar to an HTML element, but with more CSS properties.
        I like using font awesome and you can easily search for an icon and copy the HTML element code. It would be nice to be able to paste the code snippet into site design. while maintaining the built in CSS properties

      More CSS properties for HTML elements (and all elements) .
        Including but not limited to, line height, font size, color, etc.
      Control over default element naming (ex. 'link-container' , 'container')
        Even when working in vanilla JavaScript and disabling all components in the settings. The exported projects still have a wireframe and a few other hidden references that are added after the fact. I understand that some of these are essential however, to really have that control it would be nice to have all the options checked off or on.
      Remove limit on amount of nested div elements inside one another
        I haven’t done much research into the proper syntax for nested <div>. There’s a point when site designer will no longer let you insert any more nested <div> elements. There’s obviously ways around it like using list containers and other means. But it’s sometimes annoying when you reach that limit because you can’t do much more.
  • Project Export
    • Better metadata
        Coffee cup HTML editor has a lot of options regarding metadata it would be nice to have some of those extra metadata options inside page information
      Ability to upload directly to (any) host/server
        Having the alternative option to upload directly to a different server than S-drive. Say for instance I want to upload my files to my host gator domain. It would be nice to have the ability to enter those simple credentials to access the server.
      Possible minification of css/js converge (ex. css-min, js-rollup)
        It’s probably way too complex. However, having the option to really get the most out of your page by having JavaScript process minification on page export
  • Page information
    • More SEO options.
      Better support to improve scores of Google's website lighthouse ratings
        There are certain criteria that Google uses when you run a lighthouse test on a webpage. Having site designer do its best to try to achieve the best score possible, would go a long way.
      Ability to disable a page from being exported.
      Cross framework components
      Save custom attributes to use later.
      Reduce back and forth between element style, and element attributes
      Customizable Keyboard shortcuts

    Taking over the world one website at a time!

    Steve Kolish

    YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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