Personally that is one of the reasons why I prefer large monitor screens to smaller resolutions of the lap top computers. I have a laptop a 15 inch one with the 1300 some odd by 720 resolution and I have not tries to do any site design on it. I see how it could be restrictive in some cases. But then again this responsive is supposed to work on the smaller screens so the 15 inch lap top is large by comparison. I would venture to say that you can probably design sites with the 15 inch laptops without any problems. I try to make my site like 1000 pixels wide to leave room for other things on the width of the rendering. I would imagine that if you was working with the smaller resolutions with the smaller devices you probably would have to scroll the pg side ways to get to the hidden items.
If you are using a monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution, I can not imagine having any problems with the rendering of the responsive site designer application. I guess that if you split the screen and tried to do two things at once you might have difficulties with getting everything in on the application rendering in half of the space. I always work with the full HD and have not had any problems with the application not rendering properly on the screen, in that I have been able to render and achieve all application functions without any concerns with hidden items or lack of pixel space to do any functions.
Personally that is one of the reasons why I prefer large monitor screens to smaller resolutions of the lap top computers. I have a laptop a 15 inch one with the 1300 some odd by 720 resolution and I have not tries to do any site design on it. I see how it could be restrictive in some cases. But then again this responsive is supposed to work on the smaller screens so the 15 inch lap top is large by comparison. I would venture to say that you can probably design sites with the 15 inch laptops without any problems. I try to make my site like 1000 pixels wide to leave room for other things on the width of the rendering. I would imagine that if you was working with the smaller resolutions with the smaller devices you probably would have to scroll the pg side ways to get to the hidden items.
Personally that is one of the reasons why I prefer large monitor screens to smaller resolutions of the lap top computers. I have a laptop a 15 inch one with the 1300 some odd by 720 resolution and I have not tries to do any site design on it. I see how it could be restrictive in some cases. But then again this responsive is supposed to work on the smaller screens so the 15 inch lap top is large by comparison. I would venture to say that you can probably design sites with the 15 inch laptops without any problems. I try to make my site like 1000 pixels wide to leave room for other things on the width of the rendering. I would imagine that if you was working with the smaller resolutions with the smaller devices you probably would have to scroll the pg side ways to get to the hidden items.
My CC S-drive site
Steve wrote:
Hello Andrew,
I usually don't respond to these types of messages but this time I felt compelled too.
Although your argument holds some merit I do challenge you to find a better piece of software on the market right open source or not.
I don't think any software company on the planet will design there software to work with dated TV's ...
I also completely disagree with this statement. I believe that RSD has some of the best GUI and UX of most software companies world wide. The amount of thought into user experience is insane, not only that but pair that with the outstanding customer support and an amazing forum of amazing people volunteering their time and knowledge, its a total no brainer.
Now I would concede that having the ability to hide the right panel would be nice. But to come into the forums and sound a bit condescending telling CC to get it together probably isn't the best approach. CoffeeCup has some of the most brilliant, dedicated,staff and coding geniuses on the planet. I may have taken this post wrong, please tell me if I did, but I just got the feeling that it was a bit rude and a bit misleading.
Andrew Moss wrote:
Still at a loss as to why it's still not possible to hide that damn right side panel so I can see all the breakpoints. CMD+K hides the panel but also hides the breakpoints (apart from for a second). CoffeeCup's workaround (which they've even put into a popup window to tell you) is to drag the window towards the left and stretch the right side by using the resize cursor. Then you can see the breakpoints that are usually hidden by that right panel.
Now I've just bought a couple of new 24" Samsung monitors so the resolution is higher meaning RSD has a greater number of pixels I can design for. So now I can see the breakpoints that were hidden on my 20" dated Sony Bravia TV (that I was using as a monitor), however I still run into the same issue for when I push that slider to a higher pixel width. It's just inconvenient and is bad UX. Could I politely ask that you sort it out, CoffeeCup?
Still at a loss as to why it's still not possible to hide that damn right side panel so I can see all the breakpoints. CMD+K hides the panel but also hides the breakpoints (apart from for a second). CoffeeCup's workaround (which they've even put into a popup window to tell you) is to drag the window towards the left and stretch the right side by using the resize cursor. Then you can see the breakpoints that are usually hidden by that right panel.
Now I've just bought a couple of new 24" Samsung monitors so the resolution is higher meaning RSD has a greater number of pixels I can design for. So now I can see the breakpoints that were hidden on my 20" dated Sony Bravia TV (that I was using as a monitor), however I still run into the same issue for when I push that slider to a higher pixel width. It's just inconvenient and is bad UX. Could I politely ask that you sort it out, CoffeeCup?
Hello Andrew,
I usually don't respond to these types of messages but this time I felt compelled too.
Although your argument holds some merit I do challenge you to find a better piece of software on the market right open source or not.
So now I can see the breakpoints that were hidden on my 20" dated Sony Bravia TV
I don't think any software company on the planet will design there software to work with dated TV's ...
It's just inconvenient and is bad UX.
I also completely disagree with this statement. I believe that RSD has some of the best GUI and UX of most software companies world wide. The amount of thought into user experience is insane, not only that but pair that with the outstanding customer support and an amazing forum of amazing people volunteering their time and knowledge, its a total no brainer.
Could I politely ask that you sort it out, CoffeeCup?
Now I would concede that having the ability to hide the right panel would be nice. But to come into the forums and sound a bit condescending telling CC to get it together probably isn't the best approach. CoffeeCup has some of the most brilliant, dedicated,staff and coding geniuses on the planet. I may have taken this post wrong, please tell me if I did, but I just got the feeling that it was a bit rude and a bit misleading.
But the issue I'm referring to affects/affected me on my 13" MacBook Pro screen and my 'dated' 2006 Sony TV (which is still HD by the way). You could argue that on my new Samsung 24" 1920x1080 screens (although I have to use 1366x768 for dual screens) it isn't much of an issue because you don't really have to design for a width that big.
I think CoffeeCup's UX practices are very good generally because they keep things simple and tidy. I'm sorry though, but in this instance, popping up a box telling the user that they must drag the window to the left so it's partially off the screen is a bit of a silly workaround.
Still, I'd like to see this issue resolved in due course.
It would be nice to use search and replace working within a project. As an example, I use a text menu. If I should change anything in my menu, I have to do so manually on each page in the project. (as far as I know, anyway)
The hole point using RSD must be not to make use of any other editors. Because when you use an editor on the HTML pages, everything has to be done again the next time you build pages from RSD. So the goal must be to do every change directly in RSD.
It would also be nice to copy more than one element and perhaps columns at the time from one page to another.
The hole point using RSD must be not to make use of any other editors. Because when you use an editor on the HTML pages, everything has to be done again the next time you build pages from RSD. So the goal must be to do every change directly in RSD.
It would also be nice to copy more than one element and perhaps columns at the time from one page to another.
I may be a little grumpy in the morning, that is, before my first cup of coffee
I may be a little grumpy in the morning, that is, before my first cup of coffee

Hi Guys
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
Jamie wrote:
Hi Guys
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
Hi Guys
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
We were just thinking the same thing.

Adam East wrote:
We were just thinking the same thing.
Jamie wrote:
Hi Guys
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
Hi Guys
Not sure if its been suggested or its currently possible (havent found it if it is) but it woud be great to be able to add tabindex values in a form
We were just thinking the same thing.

Great minds thiknk alike

Wilford wrote:
It would be nice to use search and replace working within a project. As an example, I use a text menu. If I should change anything in my menu, I have to do so manually on each page in the project. (as far as I know, anyway)
The hole point using RSD must be not to make use of any other editors. Because when you use an editor on the HTML pages, everything has to be done again the next time you build pages from RSD. So the goal must be to do every change directly in RSD.
It would also be nice to copy more than one element and perhaps columns at the time from one page to another.
It would be nice to use search and replace working within a project. As an example, I use a text menu. If I should change anything in my menu, I have to do so manually on each page in the project. (as far as I know, anyway)
The hole point using RSD must be not to make use of any other editors. Because when you use an editor on the HTML pages, everything has to be done again the next time you build pages from RSD. So the goal must be to do every change directly in RSD.
It would also be nice to copy more than one element and perhaps columns at the time from one page to another.
I would be nice to copy a element or column from one project to another.
Example, I have made a button menu. I can copy the entire menu from one page to another, but not to another project.
And that would be nice.
Example, I have made a button menu. I can copy the entire menu from one page to another, but not to another project.
And that would be nice.
I may be a little grumpy in the morning, that is, before my first cup of coffee
I may be a little grumpy in the morning, that is, before my first cup of coffee

I would like to see a printable report which lists all the elements on each page of the project, especially text and paragraph elements. This would help greatly in determining which elements can be re-used elsewhere. If element attributes were included, that would even be better.
in the HTML editor, the following.
Is it possible to make this also in RSD
in the HTML editor, the following.
Is it possible to make this also in RSD
Ger van Veen
Ger van Veen
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