Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 2813696 Photo

4 posts

Create media references in your CSS files that restructure the layout of the page based on window size. Having separate sites for table/mobile is an outdated method from what it was before. The mobile experience should be seamless, not separate.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

jayrogers1306 wrote:
Create media references in your CSS files that restructure the layout of the page based on window size. Having separate sites for table/mobile is an outdated method from what it was before. The mobile experience should be seamless, not separate.

Hi Jayrogers,

This is the way RSD works right now. When you move the slider and add breakpoints it adds media queries in the css.
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User 2813696 Photo

4 posts

Mansour ... wrote:
I don't see any Transform and Transition Properties and I really hope this will be implemented very soon.

And I don't see vendor prefixes for border-radius and box shadow in exported CSS.

Great discussion. I was looking for the solution for the same. It really help me. Thanks.
User 425371 Photo

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15 posts


I have two suggestions:

1. I wish instead of having Menu Builder and Form Builder separately if RSD could have these two integrated as a single application then I it will be more convenient for us.

2. If in RSD if there is a feature for a end-user to login to the site and make post somewhat like the blog then it will server many of our clients wishes of updating their own sites.

Sorry if these features are already there but I am new and exploring.

User 2515368 Photo

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14 posts

Hi - I want to be able to change the name of a class.

Also when I have an element with multiple classes I want to be able to select which class I want to edit. It seems at the moment I have to have an element with only one class to ensure that this is the class which is being updated.
User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Lesley Singleton wrote:
Hi - I want to be able to change the name of a class.

You can do that with current version , Carefully click on the X of the Class to delete and rename it and click enter without clicking anywhere else on canvas .

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User 2515368 Photo

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Thanks for the feedback - but surely that just deletes the old class and creates a new one - it doesn't rename the old one.
User 2484360 Photo

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3,293 posts

Lesley Singleton wrote:
Thanks for the feedback - but surely that just deletes the old class and creates a new one - it doesn't rename the old one.

If you click the X and enter a new name it does not delete the old class. If you click the X and click out of the class input box, that deletes the class and when you enter a new class name that creates a new class.
User 379556 Photo

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Lesley Singleton's suggestion about changing the name of a class arose originally in another thread, where perhaps the matter is clarified somewhat ( … post256386)

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Lesley Singleton wrote:
Hi - I want to be able to change the name of a class.
Also when I have an element with multiple classes I want to be able to select which class I want to edit. It seems at the moment I have to have an element with only one class to ensure that this is the class which is being updated.

Although I couldn't agree more (for both RSD and RLMP as well if they ever decide to give us the ability to use more than one class in an element), I would also suggest a way to do this without "forcing" all of them to change, as I mentioned in the other thread, a popup list or listing on the side or whatever that we can choose which ones to change would be great.

I say this because many times I am only wanting to change 1 of them because maybe I've added something different to that particular one that will not be on all of them. If I change that class name I most certainly do not want all of them to change, so I do hope that when they decide to add this that they keep that in mind so we can choose to change or not change all or give us the option to choose which ones to change. :)

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