Flexible Box Layout Module and viewport units support with RSD (vw, vh, vmin, vmax ) despite knowing browser support issue causing unexpected behavior.
Guys at coffeecup are awesometacular.
The ability to drop a html element inside the li of an ul element.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
These are listed in no particular order.
I want keyboard shortcuts that open the top menu items (File/Edit/Action/...) using the Alt key (Alt+F, Alt+E...).
I want keyboard shortcuts that select a menu choice on a top menu item. Example: File | Save would be Alt+f | s. File | Save As would be Alt+f | a.
In the project resources box, right-click on a resource to find out its width and height (in pixels). Instead of making this a sub-menu of the context menu, I would prefer that it show the width and height directly in the context menu. See also the properties suggestion later in this list.
In the project resources box, right-click on a resource to find out what pages that resource is being used on. Then, when I click on a page name in that list, the GUI will take me to the Design tab for that page that contains the first use of the resource I'm exploring.
In the project resources, add a search feature so I can type something like 'beach' and it will show the resources across directories (if I pick that checkbox) that have 'beach' in the name.
In the project resources, add a properties panel to the context menu that shows the date/time the resource was last updated, its size (in bytes) and its resolution.
Export: I want the ability to run a program or script immediately after a successful export. This is similar to the post-build functionality that is available in most modern IDEs. The GUI should allow me to identify the folder path as a parameter of my post-export program or script. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
c:\tools\dev\my-post-export-script.cmd ${export-folder)
Export currently updates the time/date stamp of all HTML and CSS files, even the ones that were not changed. This defeats the ability to easily automate the transfer of only the changed files to a web server or another computer. I'm thinking of being able to use something like "xcopy /m" to only copy files that were changed. I want Export to not touch files that have no changes. Yes, that means Export needs to read the file to compare it with the one it wants to write and I'm willing to accept the longer Export time if it means I don't have to transfer dozens of HTML files when only one HTML changed.
*Praise*: I like how Export keeps the relative order of stylesheet definitions the same between exports. This makes it real easy to see the differences between exports. Please don't lose that feature.
Thanks for listening to our suggestions.
I want keyboard shortcuts that open the top menu items (File/Edit/Action/...) using the Alt key (Alt+F, Alt+E...).
I want keyboard shortcuts that select a menu choice on a top menu item. Example: File | Save would be Alt+f | s. File | Save As would be Alt+f | a.
In the project resources box, right-click on a resource to find out its width and height (in pixels). Instead of making this a sub-menu of the context menu, I would prefer that it show the width and height directly in the context menu. See also the properties suggestion later in this list.
In the project resources box, right-click on a resource to find out what pages that resource is being used on. Then, when I click on a page name in that list, the GUI will take me to the Design tab for that page that contains the first use of the resource I'm exploring.
In the project resources, add a search feature so I can type something like 'beach' and it will show the resources across directories (if I pick that checkbox) that have 'beach' in the name.
In the project resources, add a properties panel to the context menu that shows the date/time the resource was last updated, its size (in bytes) and its resolution.
Export: I want the ability to run a program or script immediately after a successful export. This is similar to the post-build functionality that is available in most modern IDEs. The GUI should allow me to identify the folder path as a parameter of my post-export program or script. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
c:\tools\dev\my-post-export-script.cmd ${export-folder)
Export currently updates the time/date stamp of all HTML and CSS files, even the ones that were not changed. This defeats the ability to easily automate the transfer of only the changed files to a web server or another computer. I'm thinking of being able to use something like "xcopy /m" to only copy files that were changed. I want Export to not touch files that have no changes. Yes, that means Export needs to read the file to compare it with the one it wants to write and I'm willing to accept the longer Export time if it means I don't have to transfer dozens of HTML files when only one HTML changed.
*Praise*: I like how Export keeps the relative order of stylesheet definitions the same between exports. This makes it real easy to see the differences between exports. Please don't lose that feature.
Thanks for listening to our suggestions.
Good morning Coffee Cup team. I am trying to link to another coffee cup webpage I have created and
I'm not having much luck. Where do you link a button to documents or another site?
I'm not having much luck. Where do you link a button to documents or another site?
darick.thompson wrote:
Good morning Coffee Cup team. I am trying to link to another coffee cup webpage I have created and
I'm not having much luck. Where do you link a button to documents or another site?
Good morning Coffee Cup team. I am trying to link to another coffee cup webpage I have created and
I'm not having much luck. Where do you link a button to documents or another site?
Read over this article and it will explain how to do this.
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … -designer/
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
My Suggestion for RSD would be to have the ability to export CSS only.
This would help when tweaking and making css changes without having to export the entire project.
This would help when tweaking and making css changes without having to export the entire project.
It would be nice to see the ability to adjust row or column background images with the "Image Settings" focal point slider and images adjustment settings cursor arrows allowing the ability to adjust row/column background images at various break points
. Thanks,
. Thanks,
I want a header, footer and sidebar that will be automatically put on every page without having to set it up on each page individually. I tried the RSD trial version and there is a lot of things I love about it, but it should let you be consistant from page to page without having to be tedius and add header/footer/sidebar to each page especially since it is the same exact information on each page
huinker wrote:
I want a header, footer and sidebar that will be automatically put on every page without having to set it up on each page individually. I tried the RSD trial version and there is a lot of things I love about it, but it should let you be consistant from page to page without having to be tedius and add header/footer/sidebar to each page especially since it is the same exact information on each page
I want a header, footer and sidebar that will be automatically put on every page without having to set it up on each page individually. I tried the RSD trial version and there is a lot of things I love about it, but it should let you be consistant from page to page without having to be tedius and add header/footer/sidebar to each page especially since it is the same exact information on each page
Although I do agree with you that it would be great to be able to do this with the click of a button, it's probably not something that would be easily done without using something like Libraries which is a possibility I suppose.
What I'd like to tell you is that it's doable already with a few clicks of a few buttons if you can copy and paste.
Just click the item you want to put on the other page so that it's highlighted, make sure it's the outer layer (container, row, column, etc) and then copy it using ctrl+c.
Then go to the page you want it on and put the cursor in the area you want it in and paste it using ctrl+v and it will copy everything that is included within the item that you had selected. Remember that if you select anything within the page that you "want" the items copied to, it will paste "after" that selection. Also keep in mind that if you have a container selected on the page you're copying to, it will not paste a row so be sure to do your pasting of items logically. If you're pasting a row, then be sure it's a row you have selected to paste after. If a column then a column, if a container and so on....
This works for pretty much anything, so if you have a row at the top with a full header (logo, text, tag line, social, etc.) then be sure that row is what is selected and copy and paste it to the other page. It's that simple. Give it a try and let us know how it worked for ya.

huinker wrote:
I want a header, footer and sidebar that will be automatically put on every page without having to set it up on each page individually.
I want a header, footer and sidebar that will be automatically put on every page without having to set it up on each page individually.
This is on our roadmap (and working in an internal version). No ETA yet though...
huinker wrote:
I tried the RSD trial version and there is a lot of things I love about it.
I tried the RSD trial version and there is a lot of things I love about it.
That's great to hear! More support(ing customers) will help get us these types of things in the app faster so I hope you (and many others) will make a supporting decision here

The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
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