Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

I would LOVE this: A re-envisioning of the Inspector pane.
From working with CAD, PS, LR, CD, AI and blah blah blah - one thing they all is that they have an "object/layer manager" just like the Inspector Pane. So, this suggestion, comes from from working with this applications. I find it invaluable when working in CD, where there are hundred of objects, in dozens of groups and grouped groups - to have custom names and colors, and even visual cues to their attributes. I am sure the CC has plans for adding capabilities, and I hope some of these take interest.
  • 1. Name the elements - custom or by class/ID or custom - to break up the long list of row/column/column........
  • 2. Color code element by class or class/ID or custom or Div name like NAV - and allow these colors to overlay as an option in the design window.
  • 3. Abbreviate the element names - this is necessary for custom names, Example: COL: My Navigation
  • 4. "Group" elements automatically or custom, - for instance, a collection of rows could be grouped as "Top of Page." Divs whose tag was changed to Nav, the parent and children, would be grouped when adjacent in the page structure
  • 5. Bring out the box model. I like applications that give a visual guide to the current box model.
  • 6. Column Span/push/pull/Offset visual reference. As one hovers over an element or group, or drop down, a summary of its grid could appear. Useful to find that row that went astray. And for the Subgrids as well.
  • 7. LOCK elements, groups that are parents or children of ID's If a group is locked, a user can get a warning that some class change elsewhere will effect this group. Either lock it out, or give a warning before proceeding.
  • 8. Resize-able windows between the element structure and the CSS code.
  • 9. Dual view window. Just a basic window to compare one page's element structure to another page's. When mashing a page up, there might come a time when to make it more orderly like its model page.
User 2706435 Photo

444 posts

How about comment section for each page or project?

This could be just a file, or a file that gets added to the website in a css sheet as comments. Right now, someone can just add a html element and not make it visible and it will show up in the element inspector though.

For instance, I needed to position an element by absolute positioning. I can't put it where I want to, because of the default vert scroll bars on IE and Edge covering up content, so I have to offset the margin in 17 pixels. Next week, I will probably forget why I did that, because it will look off in Firefox and Chrome (but not as bad in MS). Normally, I might add a comment to the style sheet if I was hand coding.
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

Hi Bill G,
What I do is add a comment right inside my html element. You would add it the same way as you would in a normal html editor.
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User 7433 Photo

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Steve Sharkey wrote:
When you use the resources screen the left hand panel does not clearly display which folder you are looking at - only by looking at the contents to the right panel can this be seen. Also when you delete a folder it appears to default to the images folder not the top level which is what I would expect.

+1 for this suggestion


I keep loosing the original location of my resource folders---(what is the folder location where I linked the original files from?)
User 2810528 Photo

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19 posts

I am hoping other users will vote for increasing the page limits to 100+ instead of the current 75.. This is my current showstopper . Its making me do things in Dreamweaver that I can do SO much easier in RSD.. Please , please , Increase the limit...
Thanks, Dave
User 2666911 Photo

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12 posts

Firstly I use RSD for many hours each day creating client sites, a couple of extras I'd gladly pay for, as follows:

1. Copy and replace functions for elements/columns/rows etc. as I spend a lot of time tweaking and upgrading existing sites. Grabbing and pasting elements,columns and rows into other pages can be a real chore.

2. Some JQuery/UI integration/facilities/tools would also be a welcome addition.

3. Export/Import pages and or sections between projects would also be a big time saver.

Look forward to the next update.
User 2813886 Photo

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David Festog wrote:
I am hoping other users will vote for increasing the page limits to 100+ instead of the current 75.. This is my current showstopper . Its making me do things in Dreamweaver that I can do SO much easier in RSD.. Please , please , Increase the limit...
Thanks, Dave

I need 225 pages, please.
User 2699991 Photo

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Sheila wrote:
David Festog wrote:
I am hoping other users will vote for increasing the page limits to 100+ instead of the current 75.. This is my current showstopper . Its making me do things in Dreamweaver that I can do SO much easier in RSD.. Please , please , Increase the limit...
Thanks, Dave

I need 225 pages, please.

So Just do a new project and join then together in dreamweaver or some other html editor, I do it all the time, no hassle no problems. I even sometimes do it if I need more than the allowed breakpoints also.
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User 2815606 Photo

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I would really like to be able to edit .css from within rsd. Usually it is only small tweaks that I want to include, so having the css pane in the 'inspector' view as read only is a pain when things could be so much easier. Just a thought.
User 2699991 Photo

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David Dashwood wrote:
I would really like to be able to edit .css from within rsd. Usually it is only small tweaks that I want to include, so having the css pane in the 'inspector' view as read only is a pain when things could be so much easier. Just a thought.

Please excuse me but I cannot see what anyone could tweek in the CSS file from within RSD that one couldn't tweek from the design panel for the element that one wants to tweek, and it sort of defeats the object of having an App that has been made to
"Allow you to create "Stellar" Web-Sites without the need for touching a line of code"

Perhaps you would be good enough to post an example of something that you would want to tweek,

After all it is just as easy to tweek the CSS code once one has exported it to whatever HTML App one uses,( as I do frequently,mostly to change something that I decide needs changing months after exporting, and is easier to do within the exported CSS file than faffing about re-exporting etc etc if I did it within RSD )

Another reason I suspect would be that not allowing one to tweek within RSD, prevents anyone from taking the opportunity for complaining back to the CC team that the design does't look right ( I am not pointing the finger and saying that would be you ) and that RSD is no good, I am absolutely sure that there would be some amongst the thousands and thousands of others out there that would try, that sort of thing.

I am not of course speaking for the CC Team who are the one's to decide, but for me including something like that would unnecessary and of no benefit; to what in my opinion is one of the easiest Apps around to use; and to create "Stunning Designs"
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