Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 2800147 Photo

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68 posts

Hi CoffeeCup Team,

I would love to a have similar tool in RSD like the "history pallet" in Photoshop. That would make the "undo" easier.

Kind regards,
User 2530125 Photo

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27 posts

I just ran into a situation where I needed to change out a name throughout the whole website. Not sure if it was mentioned or not....A SEARCH and REPLACE function would be huge... whether it's done on the CODE side of things or globally within the page. But something that could edit all of the pages in one swoop.

And while I'm on this subject, possibly the search and replace could also have a rename function that would allow the classes and ID's to be renamed globally as well.
User 436826 Photo

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4 posts

I agree with Terry here....

Perhaps create an master page option, rather than creating separate pre-designed components or elements that you would copy on any page where you like. This master page, or the ability to create multiple master pages for different looks, could be used when needed on any website page. When changes are made on the master, they are reflected on any page of the site linked to or associated with that particular master page.

In addition, the search and replace functionality would be cool too, if changing just a name, phone number or a minimal amount of information. Perhaps it would recognize a unique set of characters, words or names, rather than trying to search for and fix spelling errors for common words like "and, "but", "the", etc. or phrases with those and other similar common words. Not sure how hard or easy that would be to program in all 3 apps (BB, RSD and FF).
User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

FYI, FF and BB have components that let you edit info in one place and it changes everywhere the component is on a page.

FF has 10 built in components built in but BB has none. With either you can create any you want or need.

It would be nice to have this in RSD as well.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 494996 Photo

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65 posts

On the menu SHOW GRIDLINES .... when I turn it on can you add the option for it to STAY ON or is my default... or a shortcut how to turn them all on. Also... being able to see these suckers using black frames and multicolored backgrounds would be sweet. but at the very least a shortcut to turn on ALL the gridlines at once ... like shift+y+g+a or something lol :D
---- Michelle K.
User 2416477 Photo

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8 posts

As I start in on the next updating project again using RSD and the themes - I am noticing that NONE of the themes are mobile first. Is it just me and the themes I have looked at thus far? Or are ALL THE THEMEs that I purchased along with RSD all designed for the desktop first? It's not earth shattering, but I must confess a preference for loading small 'stuff' first for a likely mobile user and THEN adding larger images, layout, etc. if the viewer is found to be on a desktop.

This lack of mobile first to me makes RSD look like you guys are not paying attention to best practices.

Or am I missing something?
I'm a happy user so far, but I am surprised at this lack of mobile first in the CSS w/in the themes I've seen thus far.
quietwater paddles
supCAT boards
User 2088758 Photo

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3,109 posts

JeffBach wrote:
As I start in on the next updating project again using RSD and the themes - I am noticing that NONE of the themes are mobile first. Is it just me and the themes I have looked at thus far? Or are ALL THE THEMEs that I purchased along with RSD all designed for the desktop first? It's not earth shattering, but I must confess a preference for loading small 'stuff' first for a likely mobile user and THEN adding larger images, layout, etc. if the viewer is found to be on a desktop.

This lack of mobile first to me makes RSD look like you guys are not paying attention to best practices.

Or am I missing something?
I'm a happy user so far, but I am surprised at this lack of mobile first in the CSS w/in the themes I've seen thus far.

Hey Jeff,

The quick answer is don't use the themes. RSD does give you the option to build mobile first from new. I don't really believe that CC is falling behind or not paying attention to best practices. They just offer all choices to developers. Whether you build in DD or MF it really has no adverse effects on the design or the output of the code.

In fact CC is going out of their way developing MF only applications such as Bootstrap Builder and Responsive Foundation Framer which is 100% mobile first.

As a designer I was way more comfortable starting with the desktop version of the website then deciding what I wanted to take away from the design/content as it moved down to the mobile level. The only real key difference to me is on how you want to get to there.

To me as a designer I never put much attention into the themes because I don't believe that is the reason my clients came to me in the first place as they wanted an original design. That being said as I was learning the software I would greatly take advantage of the themes. I would open them up and have a look at how everything worked. You can learn a lot about the software by looking at in action so to speak.

Hope this help clear up some things for you.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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User 2416477 Photo

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8 posts

As always - if one applies oneself to the act of reading tutorials, one starts to realize what a moron one can be if insufficient study has taken place. To my disgust I am one of the ones.....

The whole 'picture tag nested around a srcset' and taking advantage of several useful attributes - largely provides the answer that I was searching for at the heart of my OP. So the RSD themes DO HAVE mobile first potential o'plenty if one avails ones self of the picture and srcset tags/attributes, etc.

I'll bet there are many useful tutorials,etc., but here is what I found that helped me move off dead center moronville - wrt picture tag and srcset. … re-srcset/

After some reading and application, it looks to me like applying picture and srcset to the site images goes most of the way to being responsive, in terms of serving an appropriate image to the screen in use, at least on an image heavy mobile first site.
quietwater paddles
supCAT boards
User 2187930 Photo

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9 posts

Much of my website is reference documents in PDF format. Because of this, I must enter many (hundreds) links to buttons or text in the "Href" field for a button or text link. It is extremely time consuming and difficult to have to remember or otherwise write down the names of the files and the directories they are in. Could you please add a "Browse" dialog to the "Href" field so that you can simply browse to the file that is to be linked and choose it. I am sure anyone who links a button or text to a PDF file or other file would greatly appreciate this functionality. Thanks, Scott
User 2187930 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

I am constantly removing and adding resource files and directories because a file has been updated. Please add a function "UPDATE RESOURCE FILE LINKS" that can quickly and easily update all of the resource files. Thanks, Scott

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