Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 2844004 Photo

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225 posts

Eric Rohloff wrote:
Jim Taylor wrote:
is there really no way to organize pages into a folder? ...

It's on the list of features to add.

Oh wow, if only ... that would make my day :D
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 179977 Photo

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I am having a problem with resources. If I have a collection of images as resources, later alter the images in Photoshop and save them, they obviously need to be changed out in RSD. When I click on resources and click on the first image I need to change (img1) and change it out, all is well. At this point I also need to change img2. I click on img2 to change it out and therein lies the problem. Now both img1 and img2 are selected. If you are not very careful you end up changing both images at the same time to img2.

My suggestion is that after changing an image it would no longer selected. That would alleviate this problem that is VERY easy to overlook in the process. For example change img1, and after the change nothing would be selected. Then when you click on img2 to change it, it would be the only one selected. As it is now, if you forget to click on img1 to deselect it, you have created a problem when you select and change img2.
User 379556 Photo

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Phil wrote:
My suggestion is that after changing an image it would no longer selected.

I agree this can be a problem, and would suggest more generally that the Resources box operate selections in the way many other programs do, i.e.
1. selecting an item deselects any other selections, unless the ctrl key is held while making the selection;
2. holding the shift key while selecting a second item selects the intervening items as well.

The above keys refer to Windows, but I guess that Macs have corresponding arrangements.

User 2844004 Photo

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225 posts

This indeed is very un-intuitive, as soon as you click next to an item it should be de-selected. You should be selecting multiple items by Shift-Click ... this is so not macOS. For me this behaviour is a major pet-peeve.

I would very much appreciate a 'common' macOS' interface, using icon view, list view and column view. List view should have the option to be sorted alphabetically, on date, on whatever ...

The whole 'embedding' of resources into the project file -and this goes for all coffeecup apps- slows down, and you loose track of resources being updated outside the application itself. I'd rather have the resources being linked, or at least have the option (preferences) to have resources linked in stead of embedded. When having dozens of resources embedded, finding and replacing one can be quite a challenge. I hate it.

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 379556 Photo

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I would prefer not to need two mouse clicks to change between Class, ID, and Type. Something like the following, with a very bold tick showing the current selection, is in mind.

User 2839879 Photo

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99 posts

Add character counter to 'Description' field (under page settings). This aids SEO.
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User 2684790 Photo

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Option to have a container around all rows. I built this website with RSD (the first I ever made with RSD or Foundation Framer) and wanted a shadow to left and right side.

I had to export the website, then to edit all pages and set a div after beginning body tag and an ending div after footer (okay this are only a few pages in this case and I did it with search and replace in files, but it is an effort, above all I had to edit the main.css, changing body > to body).

You can have only one subgrid, if you want to use components. So, using one row as wrap (instead of the div) is no solution to get a nested layout.
Made in Germany
User 2684790 Photo

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Give access to HTML-tag. You can't set
html { overflow-y: scroll; }

Made in Germany
User 2684790 Photo

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31 posts

Give access to the general base settings of CSS, as there are: body font-size and font-family, link color, link:hover color, h1 - h6, p margins and paddings etc. Atm. you must overwrite settings again and again (example link color). Yes you could give a class and do the changes, but then you have to give the same class again and again.
Made in Germany
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts

Please give access to edit, modify en set and reset css3/html5 in your project
An Buildin Editor into the RSD, RFF and RBB applications maybe very useful. Wynot?
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