Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 122279 Photo

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RSD is not able to handle php. Not yet, anyways.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 53435 Photo

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Well it can, quite easily. I already have PHP embedded in my RSD built sites and running fine.
I would not expect it to do anything except allow code snippets for inline processing to be added.

I had to manually add the session stuff at the top of the file however, since there is no place to enter lines to appear before the top of the HTML. This would be handy as I could add it to each RSD file and have it rendered when it is exported instead. The PHP code to run in the <head> section is entered in the settings for the page in RSD, and other code is entered as HTML element blocks where appropriate.

User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

I was not thinking of php in html elements. That is possible. And anything added after export works fine too. But you can't export to php files, and you can't add php files to your resources. If you add a form e.g. to a .rsd file, you need to upload the php files separately.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2093190 Photo

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I don´t know where to post this, but I want to ask, which cc-product uses this logo? Something new? :D
puncto – grafik & marketing
D - 69126 Heidelberg
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User 103173 Photo

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Uwe Schmitt wrote:

I don´t know where to post this, but I want to ask, which cc-product uses this logo? Something new? :D

That is our HTML Editor.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2093190 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Uwe Schmitt wrote:

I don´t know where to post this, but I want to ask, which cc-product uses this logo? Something new? :D

That is our HTML Editor.

Ups, I thought this must be a new logo …
puncto – grafik & marketing
D - 69126 Heidelberg
Actually you´ll find my work here:
User 131545 Photo

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687 posts

Hi support,

I have this whishes:

display an summary in a treeview de name of all the defined classes, id's and types

More css properties for inline elements like float....

More components
- Predefined components for Foundation and Bootstrap
such as sections for

[Sections Common]
a) About me variations
b) Contact us
c) Facebook timeline / events
d) features
e) front page
f) gallery
g) join maling list
h) meet the team
i) schedule
j) skills
k) store details

content with images only variations
content with images and text variations
mixed content(text, images, button)
content with text only
content with text and buttons
content with video
content with video and text

Kind regards

Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
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User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,518 posts

I'd support some of those wishes. But to clarify: The list of classes, IDs and types has to cover the classes, IDs and types you have used in a project, not everything else, then e.g. there are no by default predefined IDs. And what types are available will be mentioned in every html5/css3 tutorial.
In connection with classes, IDs and types used, I also would like to see, just with a glance, what properties I have given them. That would help a lot when creating pages, especially when it becomes big and quite a handful to keep track of. More than once I have experienced elements jumping out of place because I have happened to change a margin or so, and forgotten that the same class was used for a different element, where I had already specified the margin I wanted.

Ik zou sommige van die wensen steunen. Maar om te verduidelijken: De lijst met klassen, ID's en typen moet de klassen, ID's en typen die u in een project hebt gebruikt, niet bedekken, niet alles anders dan bijv. Er zijn geen standaard voorgedefinieerde ID's. En welke typen zijn beschikbaar in elke html5 / css3 tutorial.

In verband met klassen, ID's en typen gebruikt, wil ik ook, met een oogopslag, welke eigenschappen ik ze heb gegeven. Dat zou veel helpen bij het maken van pagina's, vooral als het groot wordt en nogal handig om bij te houden. Meer dan een keer heb ik elementen ervaren die uit de plaats springen, omdat ik er een marge van heb veranderd, en vergeten dat dezelfde klas voor een ander element was gebruikt, waar ik al de marge had aangegeven die ik wilde.

Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 10077 Photo

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1,096 posts

This would actually apply to RSD, RFF and RBB. In the settings pane, there is a Head field which places the code (including php code) at the end of the <head>. Frequently, I need to put add code starting at line 1. For example, if I am going to start a session(), it has to start before any html output.

With RSD currently, I have to edit every page after export. If I make changes and re-export, I have to go back and make those same changes to every page again.

One possible solution could be to add another field to the Settings pane called "Pre-Head" that allows the user to put code on the page starting on line 1.
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User 458539 Photo

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Hope one of the smart users does a tutorial on menu creation in RSD. With sub menus and even sub sub menus. I am using Menu Builder but its just a matter of time before situations occur

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