Why is Header 3 and Paragraph beneath...

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Inger wrote:
I'm late to the party today, have been busy up until now. I see you have been discussing the file I returned to you, Melissa. When I got it from you, there was a row with an empty column at the bottom (don't know who put it in),

That was me. Wayan just explained ( thanks! ) that when I add a new row, it has a column in it. I wasn't seeing that, because it gets added without any margin, so it covers up the row completely and when you mouse over it, all you see is column. ( face palm )

below the symbol which I now realize is the footer.

The 3 badge symbols? I just thought they were inside a regular element - not the footer. I want the article beneath them, but not for them to be the footer - that makes it weird, doesn't it.

I moved that new header and paragraph into that. But maybe that was the wrong sequence? No problem swapping the order of those.

Yes, my intent was to have that long article beneath the frame of badges, but not for the badges to be the footer.

Beside correcting the width of the columns, I had to give the navigation a z-index, otherwise the payment form would go on top of it when scrolled.

Don't know what a z-index is.

But I don't understand why you get that strange display that you sent me a picture of (and of course, I edited it in RSD2.5).

It was weird, because the menu flipped up to the top of the page as I clicked on things on the editing page. But it makes me nervous that it did that.

Do send it to Wayan, I don't know if he sees the same thing. Here everything is ok.

I found now, that there is a problem with the page which is not linked in the menu, the 'shopping for a process server' page.

It's actually linked within the blog page, as it's a blog article. Please don't change that linkage.

Nearly all the rows have the same class name, and that lead to all getting the same z-index as I gave to the navigation. I'll fix that and then send the file back to you again.

Thanks Inger!
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
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I sent the file back before I read that you wanted the badges above that article. Just let me know, what exactly do you want to have in the footer, below the article? Then I'll fix it again.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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That was me. Wayan just explained ( thanks! ) that when I add a new row, it has a column in it. I wasn't seeing that, because it gets added without any margin, so it covers up the row completely and when you mouse over it, all you see is column. ( face palm )

If you dod it the way it is supposed to be done (mobile first) then you would see the row with the column in it, because the column is set to 2 spans by default
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User 404575 Photo

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Inger emailed:

> Done. I hope it's ok now.

Yes! Thank you VERY much Inger!

It's on the test site now and looks great on the PC and phone.

If it looks good to you, I'll make it live in the root directory.

Thank you!

Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10

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