Confused - Page 4 - Post ID 189319

User 464376 Photo

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Eric or anyone else who might read this Hi,

I had to put this off Yesterday to deal with moving but I'm going to try again today step by step. I have read the PDF many many times but simple things that I might be doing wrong are not clearly answered.

I open up sitemap. Now before I even begin creating a sitemap I am going to begin by saving my new sitemap first so I click file and save as. When I go to name the file which I have been naming just as "sitemap" I am given a drop down that lets me choose from... sitemap.html, sitemap.xml & sitemap.css. Which one is the correct choice. Once I get this right I will move on to the next step.

I'm confident I can get this to work I believe maybe I was not saving it correctly for the files to be found.

User 2073552 Photo

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XML is the most commonly used. It is used by Google and Yahoo...
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 187934 Photo

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daniel merson wrote:
Eric or anyone else who might read this Hi,

I had to put this off Yesterday to deal with moving but I'm going to try again today step by step. I have read the PDF many many times but simple things that I might be doing wrong are not clearly answered.

I open up sitemap. Now before I even begin creating a sitemap I am going to begin by saving my new sitemap first so I click file and save as. When I go to name the file which I have been naming just as "sitemap" I am given a drop down that lets me choose from... sitemap.html, sitemap.xml & sitemap.css. Which one is the correct choice. Once I get this right I will move on to the next step.

I'm confident I can get this to work I believe maybe I was not saving it correctly for the files to be found.


When you open your site map and do a "save as" this is a .csm that site mapper uses to remember all the settings for your site map so you don't have to reenter them everytime you want to make one simple change to it. Click on "Create Sitemap" and site mapper will export all the needed files to the location of your choice. In these files will be a sitemap.xml no matter what you named your site map. You can keep this name or right click and rename it if you want. This is what you submit to the search engines.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 464376 Photo

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158 posts

Eric Hi and thanks. We've made some progress. I now am able to see files under "choose your home directory". There are many files but none of them are clear as to the path of where these sitemap files are located. They are in documents on my computer but there is not a documents file listed, not even in the expanded files. here are all the files liststed before they are expanded...

Any idea how I choose the right one.

Again TIA
User 2073552 Photo

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public_html is your root folder where your site is stored.
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 464376 Photo

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SirAge thank you. Please note in I have never done this before so if my questions seem too simple it still looks like chinese to me till I know it. So here is the question. Can I just choose the entire public_html file or do I have to go in further to some of the drop downs and get the right file? Also none of the drop downs show any documents folders which is where my files are stored on my computer.I'm sure I'm just not reading them correctly because of my lack of knowledge.

SirAGE thanks in advance.

p.s. Also thanks for the warning on a previous post. I didn't want to shock anyone with this product and wasn't sure how to officially put up a disclaimer for the J12increaser site
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

daniel merson wrote:
SirAge thank you. Please note in I have never done this before so if my questions seem too simple it still looks like chinese to me till I know it. So here is the question. Can I just choose the entire public_html file or do I have to go in further to some of the drop downs and get the right file? Also none of the drop downs show any documents folders which is where my files are stored on my computer.I'm sure I'm just not reading them correctly because of my lack of knowledge.

SirAGE thanks in advance.

p.s. Also thanks for the warning on a previous post. I didn't want to shock anyone with this product and wasn't sure how to officially put up a disclaimer for the J12increaser site

RE: P.S.- You are welcome. I thought it better to place that then have someone click it and see that. :P

As for your question... You can store the Sitemap files anywhere you want...

If you are making a sitemap of a sub directory like then I would suggest you place it in that file name.

But if you are simply making a sitemap for a main domain name like I always put my sitemaps for main domains right in the public_html folder...

You could make a folder named sitemap to store your sitemap in, it is just up to you as to what you want to do...

Hope this helps!
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 464376 Photo

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158 posts

SirAGE thanks for that advice and I will do that in the future. I don't think I made my last question clear so I will try again.

Right now on my screen I have "the choose your home directory" window open and all the files that I listed in a previous post are present. I want to upload to my server at this point but am still not sure of choosing the right folder. So here is my question again...

Can i just highlight the entire publc_html file then click "ok" to upload it or do I have to expand it and choose specific files out of the expanded version? If I have to expand it to choose the right one how do I know which file to choose since as I said before the path is not clear to me.since the files are with the rest of my sites files under my documents.

I hope I am making sense in what I am asking. If not let me know how I can be more clear.

User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

Yes, just chose public_html to upload it there. It will load the file or folder you are wanting to upload.

Then the address for that folder will be

"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 464376 Photo

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158 posts

Sir Age thank you and Eric thank you.

It uploaded. Now that we have done this and I just did the xml version for the search engines and it won't appear on my site how do I find it, look at it, monitor it or does it just sort of run in the background?

TIA again

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