htaccess file

User 458539 Photo

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1,632 posts

Sonar says I needed to do Browser Caching.

I clicked the highlight and it took me to CC site with explaination. But I can't find the htaccess file or folder. Am I supposed to create afolder and place that code (as a txt file) in there?

Completely lost on this one

User 122279 Photo

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14,585 posts

If you haven't got any .htaccess file on your server, you will have to create one. I would create it in Notepad and upload it to the server separately. Don't put it in any folder, just on the server root. And don't link to it in RSD.

Depending on your FTP client, it might be better to create it as 'htaccess.txt' first, then rename it to .htaccess after upload.

However, if you have a .htaccess file on the server already, you can open it and add your instructions to it. Better check the server first.
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User 10077 Photo

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If you are using a Mac and you create a .htaccess file and save it, you might not see the .htaccess on your computer. That's because OS X considers files starting with a . to be system files. However, your ftp program should be able to view it.
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