CC on iMac - Page 1 - Post ID 83820

User 190095 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I know, I know everyone wants CC software ported to thier favorite OS. So how about giving the coffe cup folks an idea of what kind of interest there would be in us purchasing the software if they did in fact port it to say the new intel based macs or to Linux.

I for one would purchase the CC software if it were available for the iMac's. In the next few months my Windows XP Pro is going out the door, while I may attempt to put XP on the iMac and run it in Paralles I would really like to only deal with PC's at work.

So anone else out there like to see this on a Mac, on Linux? Let them know you not only want it but would buy it!
User 318665 Photo

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3 posts


I was just given CC as part of an incentive package for joining a "webhosting" site, but me being on a Mac means that that's not much of an incentive.

I still moved my web pages to that "webhosting" site because they have some of the best reviews I could find on the web so the CC package didn't really matter.

For you at CC - I'd have been more than happy to try out those programs and probably purchase some others in the future if I had liked them but I guess we'll never know.
Please keep in mind that Windows is not the only player in town and consider porting your software to other widely used platforms.

I wish great success in your business,

(I didn't mention the "webhosting" sites name because I didn't want to seem to be here promoting anyone - The word "webhosting" is not in thier name - The only site I have seen with that word in thier name has had some really "Bad" reviews)

Aloha! ;)
User 184208 Photo

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1 post

As we speak I'm editing the flash intro to my website using Coffee Cup's Firestarter--BTW, awesome program. Anywho, now that I use a MacBook, all my CoffeeCup software is useless and limited to my old desktop, which I only have access to a few weeks each year.

Since last summer, I've had great success with CC programs like WebJukebox, Flash Calendar, Firestarter, Menu Builder, Live Chat, and Direct FTP (and spent sooo much $$$) and it's a shame that I can't use my own software on with my Mac OS. I'm constantly checking the CoffeeCup website to see if they have any Mac-compatible programs available, but sadly., they're all for Windows. And I refuse to put Windows on my laptop; as I've come to find out over the past 15 years, the cons greatly outweigh the pros when it comes to Windows Operating Systems.

So, Please Please PLEASE design some software for us poor schlubs who prefer the Macs. :-D I'd even be willing to buy all that software ($50 each) all over again in a heartbeat!
User 235861 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Really do want Coffee Cup for the Mac. Tired of switching screens. Sharing. Hate the PC side, but tolerate it because CC software simplifies my life.
User 6573 Photo

2,649 posts wrote:
I for one would purchase the CC software if it were available for the iMac's. In the next few months my Windows XP Pro is going out the door, while I may attempt to put XP on the iMac and run it in Paralles I would really like to only deal with PC's at work.!

CC has gone to IMacs! The use paralles and installed all the different operating systems so they can help others easier. I think they really like the Macs and I have a feeling that you will be seeing more programs coming out for both Mac and Windows. I think this is a great suggestion. Thanks for sharing it with everyone!

I would of bought Mac, I do a huge amount of graphics, but what held me back from buying one a couple of months ago was because I use CC products and with website design being my main source of income, I had to have a system that I could easily help my customers and use the cc products. I wish I thought about paralles. I should of did my home work.


User 342328 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I just signed up for Lunarpages which has all this CC software available for free, which excited me until I saw that I was downloading a .exe file....

They simply must get Mac versions of these programs!
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

I'm shocked more Mac users don't have Parallels. It's getting better and better with new releases. But like Kim said, CC's using Macs themselves, so you never know. Linux users should be able to use CC apps through Wine, and I believe Macs have a similar app (Crossover) to let you run Windows apps within Mac through a sort of emulation (not booting or license for windows). Do some Googling in the meantime, there's hope.
User 173071 Photo

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After having MANY problems with Windows Vista Ultimate, I decided to finally move to iMac. My new Macintosh runs on intel dual core technology, and is really sweet. (I've used computers since the days of Commodore and Amiga, and have never had as many problems as with the Vista OS.) I got a printer working last night that had no Mac drivers by using a unix driver. The old Samsung ML1210 has been a really reliable workhorse, and now it works with new computer. ALAS, MY COFFEECUP HTML EDITOR IS NOT AVAILABLE, AND I WON'T USE VISTA!!!! Please get going on CC for the Mac OS.
User 403556 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Many web developers use the Macintosh platform. I think it is high time CC comes around to this fact and ports their programs to the Mac. Many less problems. My Mac is plug and play, PC's are plug and PRAY.

Please give us the tools we need!
User 404718 Photo

Trial User
1 post

I just looked at CC software. It looks like the best way to build a nice web site. I am buying a New MacBook Pro. It is on its way. I would never dual boot or have any window software on this computer.

With Vista out ther now more people are going to MAC.
Because it just WORKS! Vista is just a want to be Mac that will never work.

PLEASE make CC for Mac
Thank You.
New login user.
Chris H.

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