CC on iMac - Page 2 - Post ID 3515

User 397512 Photo

Trial User
37 posts

I would love to see the CC software on my Mac G5. I primarily use Windows, but at work I use a Mac. I will not put Windows on my Mac as Windows is prone to viruses and why do that to a good OS.

If you were to release Mac software, I would be sure to buy it. Then I can get rid of the clunky pc machine I also have on my work desk and work on one machine only as it is supposed to be.
User 174154 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Now there is a year's worth of posts pleading for MAC versions of CC...

What about it, CC? Is there a MAC version in the works?

User 338455 Photo

Customer Support Specialist
51 posts

We are looking into making Mac versions of our software, but we have no time frame of when they'll be available.....or do we ;)
CoffeeCup Software Inc.
An Internet 500 Company
User 388878 Photo

Customer Support Specialist
100 posts

I personally am falling in love with my iMac at work. I'd love to see our programs available on the Mac platform, too.
David R.
CoffeeCup Software Inc.
An Internet 500 Company
User 263062 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

I hope that if we paid for our software already that when they do go to macs, we can just download the upgrades and not purchase the software all over again. I know companies who did that and it sucks.

User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

CrossOver Mac
Your Windows Applications, Seamlessly Integrated on Mac OS X
User 388878 Photo

Customer Support Specialist
100 posts

Thank you, Adam. I saw Crossover some time ago, but couldn't remember the name.
David R.
CoffeeCup Software Inc.
An Internet 500 Company
User 45480 Photo

Registered User
30 posts

I switched to a Mac about 4 years ago and haven't looked back since. Unfortunately I have had to leave my CC HTML Editor behind because of it. I would love to start using it again. Count me in for a vote for Mac versions of CC!
User 6573 Photo

2,649 posts

Craig Upton wrote:
I switched to a Mac about 4 years ago and haven't looked back since. Unfortunately I have had to leave my CC HTML Editor behind because of it. I would love to start using it again. Count me in for a vote for Mac versions of CC!

You can use coffeecup editor with MAC!! Coffeecup software are all on Macs and run all their software with it. But you need a program that allows you to run I believe a desktop for windows programs. I am not sure of all the details but I think this is the programs website and there should be lots of info there. I have talked with Scott at Coffeecup before on this and they love using Mac and running Parallels

User 168245 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

We use macs at work and that is not going to change. I have to decide really soon what html-editor I am going to use. I really would like to use CC but I don't want to buy a windows license AND this "parallels" just to run CC.

Should I just forget CC and move on? If so where? What about cross-over? Does it work with CC?

I would really love some input on this since I really don't have any time to test and dig around (feeling a bit stressed...)

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