CC on iMac - Page 3 - Post ID 132482

User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

I'd be shocked if CoffeeCup apps are the only things Windows-to-Mac converters still need/want. I've been trying out Linux off and on for years, but still come back to Windows for one reason or another. Anyway, I'm sure native Mac apps are in CC's future, but if you're pushed for time, I don't see that happening soon enough. Bosse, you may want to start a new thread on this topic of what's best for Mac in current time as this thread is in the suggestions for new programs, which hardly gets read by other users.
User 297586 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

i have used CC for 3 years and have 5 websites running - now it may be goodbye as we have changed to a mac - someone at CC kindly spend the $$$$ and get a tech to get a mac alternative it will sell - thanks for the work in the past and at this time farewell -
User 480581 Photo

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10 posts

I bought the full CC package about 2 months ago and am really enjoying the possibilities of such a reasonably priced and well supported package.

I also moved to Mac around the same time. I run the web stuff on my old laptop, and run vista/parallels on the mac. It works sometimes. Not reliably, which is a shame 'cause the other software and opportunities on the Mac are fantastic.

There is just nothing to compare to the CC packages available in native mac environments, at least, nothing that I could find.

I'd pay again for all the software running in mac!

User 73783 Photo

1 post

Abe wrote:
We are looking into making Mac versions of our software, but we have no time frame of when they'll be available.....or do we ;)

Any movement in the last 12 months ??
I have also switched to an Imac and no longer use CC, unless you have something coming for us on Mac OS ??
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

We have 2 applications running in limited beta right now for OS X, but no ETA as of yet when we will make it publicly. Our plans are to start rolling most of them out throughout 2009.
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User 148353 Photo

808 posts

Scott, has anyone tried to run CC programs on an Intel Mac using Crossover Mac?

I don't have access to an Intel Mac, but if I did, I'd love to test them all.
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I have actually used it quite a few times and it works quite well. Some apps may not look as *pretty* but function wise, it works.
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User 508150 Photo

Trial User
4 posts

I use a G4 PowerPC iMac and would love to use CC on it. Can't though until CC comes out with an OSX Tiger version. :-)
User 441084 Photo

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28 posts

Lowell Ziegler wrote:
Scott, has anyone tried to run CC programs on an Intel Mac using Crossover Mac?

I don't have access to an Intel Mac, but if I did, I'd love to test them all.

I'm a former Apple employee who has nothing but Macs, but I have all the CoffeeCup software and it runs great in Parallels on my Macbook Pro. I was asked to do a racetrack's website when I had very little experience in web design. The combination of the "My website is better than yours" book and CoffeeCup software made it possible for me to make a pretty sophisticated website with little effort. As said before, I went with the whole suite of CoffeeCup software because there really is no equivalent software package for Mac. If you guys need a beta tester....ha ha.

I tried running a few of the apps in Crossover, but got errors. Parallels is the best way to go.

Would love to run them natively on a Mac. I am curious about the pricing structure as well. Will we have to re-purchase them in Mac form? Will there be an upgrade (cross-platform) price? I'm sure these are all the things being (argued) discussed behind closed doors. :-)
User 40227 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I am still waiting for CC to go on Imac intell or PowerPc .
Why because i hate windows. and the last windows machine finely died last month.( wath a relieve no mere ctrl-alt-del buttons)
ut when will CC become avalable on Imac?

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