CC on iMac - Page 4 - Post ID 83172

User 120350 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I just got an ibook and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Sun Virtual Box?

I understand from the different forums that it's like VMWare and Parallels but it's FREE. I want to run CC.

If anyone has experience running any of these different apps and CC I should would appreciate some feedback. (I will NOT be loading Vista - I'll go with XP thanks)

Would LOVE to see some iMac specific CC programs. :-)

User 390487 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Waiting patiently for a Mac version of your software. Put a vote counter on your home page and see what happens?

How about Visual Site Designer to start?
User 441084 Photo

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28 posts

I run CC programs in XP using Parallels. Works like a champ. I tried Crossover...did NOT work like a champ. Haven't tried VMWare, but I'm pretty sure it will work fine. Haven't tried Virtual Box, but may since it's free.

Did you mean MacBook and not iBook? The emulators won't run on PowerPC macs.

Pamela Dixon wrote:
I just got an ibook and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Sun Virtual Box?

I understand from the different forums that it's like VMWare and Parallels but it's FREE. I want to run CC.

If anyone has experience running any of these different apps and CC I should would appreciate some feedback. (I will NOT be loading Vista - I'll go with XP thanks)

Would LOVE to see some iMac specific CC programs. :-)

User 1911159 Photo

Trial User
1 post

please... soon maybe?:(
User 409926 Photo

Registered User
12 posts

Another - PLEASE SOON.

let's have CC on iMAC.

At present I use the CC on my MAC through XP/VMware. It works great, with no problems.
What I want is to see the end of William GATES' products on my machine, they have far to many BUGS.
I will gladly be rid of XP, if only I could get CC for my MAC

User 440414 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I have read your "blog" about MAC and I also need for your program to be ported to the MAC.

This would be a very good function for you to put time into. I use parallels and your software but I would like to use it in the native MAC. If you could spend a little time I would even put up with a few glitches to not have to go back and forth. I use several php editors and html free programs but I bought yours. I am not a novice. Your program doesn't stop me from combining scripts and it gives me form and function. Please port to the MAC. More people switch to MAC every day. MAC is faster and better than the PC. Think Unix.

I'll pay again. more money for you.

User 14444 Photo

Registered User
1 post

i have Parallels on my two macbooks. i use a pc at work and it's a pain because i so many problems porting it over to the mac side. i would LOVE to use cc for my websites. you have some wonderful programs, but i can't use them the way i want to use them bacause i can't use them on the mac and i hate Parallels.

Please put cc on macs. jd
User 127415 Photo

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1 post

I have an Intel MacBook Pro/OS-X Leopard- tried to use Crossover which I do use with some other programs fairly successfully and it almost worked for HTML Editor and Visual Site Designer which I have on a PC machine which has recently died. However they failed repeatedly at the point of running. I have tried virtually all popular Mac Web Programs- DreamWeaver, RapidWeaver, Freeway, i-Web and in my opinion none are as intuitive and fast as VSD which I have used a number of times with great success. I am an architect and definitely not a pro web builder and really found that for quick results, without a long learning curve, VSB cannot be beat on either platform. Despite others asking for a free upgrade from their existing downloads, I would be more than happy to pay again to be able run it on my Mac. I see you are "close" to having a Mac version- I know you like to "tease" us poor customers, but when-oh-when?
User 289981 Photo

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28 posts

Tim and the rest, if this announcement by Scott Swedorski, VP of Development is true, it's gonna take our Macbook pro's to another level. As a Web Designer, I still (because it's easier) jump over to my PC and throw a form on a site because it takes less time to do it.

Having for instance, Form Builder, in Mac version is simply gonna be awesome!!

User 313811 Photo

Registered User
107 posts

PLEASE CC, create programs to work on the MAC OS platform!!!!!!! I've been a loyal customer for years and had to convert to MAC. Now all my CC software is useless. I would re-purchase (do you hear that???) CC if they were MAC compatible. Do it.

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