CC on iMac - Page 5 - Post ID 3515

User 2144239 Photo

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0 posts

Hi Thanita,

At this time, officially, all of our software is supported under Windows 7, XP, and Vista 32-bit. However, we look forward to offering all of our software on Mac by the end of 2010.

In the meantime, you can run our software on a Mac using Parallels, or VMware to run XP or Vista. You can find more information at:

Let us know if you have any other questions.
User 318665 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Funny :lol:

I first posted on this site in Feb. 2007 asking about CC for my Macs.

3+ years later:
I still use the original web hosting site (LunarPages) that offered CC as a free gift for using them.
I still get mails and update announcements from CC.
I still get notices every time someone puts a post in the "CC for iMac" forum.

Even though I've switched to intel Macs since making that original post I personally have no intention of buying a copy of Windows for the sole purpose of trying out the free CC I was given 3 years ago.

It appears many people like your product.
Please contact me when you finally realize that a LOT of Mac users design web pages.

Aloha! :cool:
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I can certainly understand that after spending $2K on a $500 machine, adding another $80 for Parallels and $50 for Xp would be disastrous. :lol:
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 318665 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

You're even funnier.

I paid $1k for a 21" iMac
3.06 GHz processor
4 GB 1067 MHz RAM

Plus all the free iLife software
Wi-Fi and BlueTooth ready
None of the virus ridden headaches of running Windows

Not sure where you figure on finding a comparable $500 machine :P
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Ok, you got me. Since you only paid a grand and don't have to buy antivirus software - stop being so cheap and buy a copy of Parallels and Xp. :lol:
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 197420 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Tom, you've obviously never tried a mac for a couple weeks or you'd never go back. I was a windows user almost from the beginning (Windows 3.1). Before that, it was DOS, and before that you probably don't care. :D

My point is that I switched about a year ago when I bought a MacBook Pro on a whim, instead of the HP laptop I'd been looking at. I had two other working Windows laptops that needed to be reformatted or restored, because they'd both crashed and wouldn't start up again in normal mode. One had an error about missing windows files, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a virus. I'm paranoid about that stuff, so I run a secure connection through a router and have up-to-date antivirus, anti-trojan and firewall software on my computers.

Since I've been abusing my Mac with a 75% full hard drive, three different browsers, up to 10 apps open at a time and lots of internal memory being used by graphics software, it's crashed once. The cause was actually Facebook's many scripting errors that crashed my browser, so I restarted to unfreeze the looping error that wasn't permitting me to close the browser. I still have antivirus software and a secure connection, even though they claim no viruses, but the ease of adapting, speed, durability (I've dropped it three times on cement or asphalt surfaces because I'm always trying to hurry too much.), and the fact that I don't have to restart the thing at least four times a day because of various issues has me sold. I've got a Mac, and I'll never go back.

At first, I installed VMWare, but I had the same problems using windows on the Mac as I did on my other computers, and you need separate antivirus software too. So far, I haven't had a problem with finding Mac software to replace my old Windows software with one exception... I'm not paying the exorbitant amount $900-$2600 to replace/upgrade my old windows version of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master edition. Actually, I have everything I need with the Mac software that came with my Mac... and it's easier to use. One day, I'll splurge and get Adobe Lightroom, but I don't have much time to mess with it now.

So that's why I don't want Windows or Windows apps anymore, and why I refuse to use VMWare (even though I bought it) on my Mac machine. I never thought I'd be the one saying "once you have a Mac, you'll never go back," but here I am saying it :lol:
User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

Think you got me sold on the Mac idea, but then I do use Vista. Macs however do get as many virus's per ratio as windows, it's just most people use windows, however if people are sensible they should never get virus's regardless of what system you use.
User 441084 Photo

Registered User
28 posts

G'kar, I'm going to guess that you actually meant to type "Macs however do NOT get as many..." :)

User 197420 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

I've done a lot of research on this subject before and after buying my first Mac. Actually, Macs are VULNERABLE to more viruses if precautions are not taken, but the vulnerabilities, up to now, have not been taken advantage of. In fact, Apple advertisements boast they do not get viruses. To date, I haven't had any problems with viruses or any antivirus alerts that one attempted to install or open on my computer. Plus, updates are downloaded and installed as soon as vulnerabilities are found.
User 441084 Photo

Registered User
28 posts

Been on Macs since the 512k of the 80s and I worked as a technician for Apple for several years and continue to make my living supporting Macs. I've never once had to deal with a virus. Not saying it isn't possible or that the focus may turn toward the Mac soon, but it's not as vulnerable. Trojan horse may be the only thing to look at for at the moment.

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