CMS - Page 6 - Post ID 181992

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Ahh! but the thing of it is I do not need Modx or TinyMCE. All I need is VSD, well I could use notepad but I paid for VSD.
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Am I having fun with this one. The Visual Site Designer will do the job and I am working on a VSD page to php CMS supported page. With the add files ability it will upload a full working site waiting for content to be added where desired.
VSD is one well engineered program, its output is clean precise and consistent. It had me stumped for a while as each save gives a different numbered set of objects but that is but an instant in time, a change to the actual design does not effect the currently produced php page that will only change if the current html is converted. It will take a bit of time as there is a Windows converter to finish and quite a few online support scripts.
Some people climb Mountains, this is a hobby, strange as it may well be, but I get great enjoyment at the completion of the journey. It will only work with VSD. I could do it for the Editor but at this stage in my life I only like to do something once and that would require a different logic.

There will be a few copies made available once finished so start warming up your copy of VSD
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Well it is a reality. VSD will do the heavy lifting. I have finished the conversion software and in a week or two will have the scripts to change content. At this stage it allows for 4 changeable text positions and 4 changeable images. As the text is formatted I have found just about anything can be treated as text.

I set the limit at 99 CMS pages per site. The whole system works on VSD produced html pages. It works due to the beautiful structure of the code where HTML editors are subject to many forms of coding depending who is controlling it. I looked at using the HTML editor and it is doable but not automatically like with VSD.
I will be after Beta testers so make sure you have your copy of VSD ready or if not then well it is cheap enough

Creating a project like this is like my painting once done I have a big downer until another challenge rears its head. My initial reason for doing this was for the Art Society I am Vice President of. I made a site for them but couldn't find one member to take ownership, as there are a few points of entry a CMS system seemed the way to go.

So I looked at options, didn't like, and decided I could come up with a WYSIWYG system. So what better starting point than the Visual Site Designer. The code it produces is a work of art in itself. I am in awe of the coders who have abilities I can only dream of.

The Guy from OZ

User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Count me in for beta testing please! I always use php based news systems or simple CMS software in an IFrame to make it possible for my customers to add their own (simple) content. It would be fantastic if you make a simple CMS that's integrated with VSD.

Success, John
John van Hulst
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Well John I have finished all the support files. I have a bit of testing to do. Even I do not want to make myself look too stupid. Use my contact number and I will add you to the test group.

I chose VSD as it outputs brilliantly designed code. I could probably use the Editor but it would be by a different method. I would have to supply the necessary additions to user created code. Maybe later.
I am back to painting for a while to give my brain a rest.

This really is not rocket science. Basically I create a site in VSD I add certain place holders in the page/s destined as CMS ones. I then pass that html page through software that I created which then produces a copy albeit php and with certain support attributes. Then there is a set of support Admin files used to update the content. I have worked on a maximum of 99 CMS pages in a site, 4 Rich Text positions per page and 4 changeable images per page. To change the images well the good old WFB does that to a treat with a Image handler script as support.

The hard part is still to come>>The Help File<<<. I have done this for the Art Society I am Vice President of. Plus it is fun. The downer comes later when it is finished and I am scrambling around for another project. Maybe Responsive VSD now that should be interesting. Nothing is impossible it may not have been done or discovered yet.

The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I am after a couple of testers and this will give you an idea what I am playing with. Hopefully the guide is information enough. Writing help files was never my forte and I believe harder than creating the process in the first place.

This allows CMS to be added to any html page even those already made and is what I shall be using to create the Art site I have started. My approach will be to create the site in VSD choose what pages are to have changeable content in and import those pages into you guessed it 'COFFEE' (Appropriate name for an editor as you drink so much of it as you edit)

Anyway then I use my app to create the necessary code. The text interestingly enough is actually HTML that is converted from RTF in programs like Word, images are any image of reasonable size that are not to long in loading.

I have a lot to do on this site I shall use for testing here I am having fun with this and it will take quite some challenge to replace it.
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

This is more easy than I thought. It uses basic php and simple css which can be fine tuned. I accomplished what I set out to do . Create a simple CMS system that can be applied to any html page. I did look at the major players Joomla Dupal Wordpress and a lot of others, Each were very viable but not how I do things. So what I have now will be the tool that I shall use to create the site I first planned this for.
I am not a professorial programmer with all sorts of qualifications. I learnt my skills with an order to produce something that did not exist. I took on the challenge and realised that it was not qualifications that achieves but the visualisation that it can be a reality. I am no expert but I believe that if it is possible and I can visualise a result I can turn that into reality.

CC for made the two tools of choice Coffee and VSD I have asked myself could I ,make similar programs, of course but I do not have the time or inclination, but I get off on creating useful utilities.

This project was instigated by one I committed a web site for our art society Two I responded to a post here and finally took it as a challenge. Does it work? Sure does Can it be better than any existing system. Time will tell. Is it easy to use > What can I say I can use it and with the abilities of the HTML editor converted as I have to a PHP IDE. Which is a dream to use.

If I was not an old pensioner This would be my future but its now my sheer enjoyment. I do request that a few of you join me on this journey. I will make the necessary improvements but is helps to have suggestions. Programming is a lonely life without someone to discuss the programs faults with.

This thread has been a bit of a journey that I took and a very satisfying one it has been

Contact me to obtain your very own Universal CMS system
The Guy from OZ

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