HTML Editor for the iPad!

User 2315474 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

I know I'm not the only person in this boat. Several of my friends use their iPads for development - not just for websites, but also for nodeJS (client and server side JavaScript), C++, etc - and I was seriously hoping to see this fantastic product on the iPad as well. Few good competitors and a large possible market!

Okay, so this is a little selfish, my laptop just died and I'm getting an iPad instead of an entirely new box. I still have my 8 year old desktop in the home office that I can use, but who wouldn't rather develop sitting on the couch?
Yeah, that avatar is definitely me.
User 2359297 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

As silly as that sounds I could see myself using my iPad and HTML Editor, but seriously... I would like to see it on the Mac first, or maybe just at the same time.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

The HTML Editor is already created for the Mac.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2315474 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac, only the used iPad, and I don't think there's a way to get that version to run on the iPad. I've had a very good experience with the HTML Editor though, and would love to use it for development on the plane/train/bus/couch.
Yeah, that avatar is definitely me.
User 2073552 Photo

Registered User
1,625 posts

An Ipad is a Mac is it not?
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I would go for the new Galaxy models I think they run Windows ware. I have my hints out for Christmas.
Yes I agree SirAGE I would have thought the IPad could.
As a silly thought have someone turn on the desktop and operate the Editor by remote assistance from the IPad or IPhone. Hmm! You heard it here first folks. ;)
The Guy from OZ

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Prism wrote:
I would go for the new Galaxy models I think they run Windows ware. I have my hints out for Christmas.
Yes I agree SirAGE I would have thought the IPad could.
As a silly thought have someone turn on the desktop and operate the Editor by remote assistance from the IPad or IPhone. Hmm! You heard it here first folks. ;)

I use this everyday on my iPad. ;)

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Just changed my hints :) Bite me I can change
The Guy from OZ

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