IDEA: JQuery SlideShow Generator
Hey @ all CoffeeCuppers!
I've been thinking about more (GREAT) software that you can develop, and I think that a JQuery SlideShow (and even a whole Gallery one, why not) is mandatory.
Something to achieve this, for example:
Of course, there are plenty more around the web, but I thought that one was pretty incredible.
I'm thinking that it could work in a similar way to the Web Form Builder.... which gives you different options to export. One of them is by pasting a code into the HTML file and placing the generated files in the same folder.
I hope you can at least give this idea a thought and a try.
Thank you so much in advance.
I've been thinking about more (GREAT) software that you can develop, and I think that a JQuery SlideShow (and even a whole Gallery one, why not) is mandatory.
Something to achieve this, for example:
Of course, there are plenty more around the web, but I thought that one was pretty incredible.
I'm thinking that it could work in a similar way to the Web Form Builder.... which gives you different options to export. One of them is by pasting a code into the HTML file and placing the generated files in the same folder.
I hope you can at least give this idea a thought and a try.
Thank you so much in advance.
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog. - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
Sorry bro but I still see it the same way it was. It still says "web" instead of "way".
Fixed lol.
i think the new coffee cup photo gallery will be able to do stuff like that
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