In What Year Was That Posted? - Page...

User 629005 Photo

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Are you wanting to split threads or split hairs (or is it hares)? LOL :rolleyes:
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User 38401 Photo

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lol no silly it's all around the same thing, the date year needs to be shown in the thread date. The search is just an example of why :P
User 539803 Photo

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Phil wrote:
(or is it hares)? LOL :rolleyes:

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User 187934 Photo

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I'm fine with you wanting the year the thread was started showing but is it really going to help?
You know you can search with a year and test and you'll get posts with the year you want.;)
Also when you do a search just for the word test most of the post show with the year they were posted. So I don't see how if a thread was started in 2009 and the most recent post was today, it will help me determine to open it or not.:) Also I wouldn't want users starting a new thread just because it was started a few years ago when the one that's there is still active. I think the content is more important then the year the thread was started.;)
Oh and Phil I'll be splitting a few hares this weekend.:lol:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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User 38401 Photo

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I am entirely confused here Eric. You say the year shows on the threads, yet it does not show for me. Doing a search for the word "test" gives a billion threads, and not a single one has a date on it for me. Posts do yes, but threads do not.

I for one looked at the dates of all those posts and in the end you know they could be from the last 5 years (or whenever the new forums were created) and all be side by side and you'd never know it, you have to open the posts to get the dates.

I'd love to see that you're seeing them because that would mean that settings on the forums are messed up rather than needing to be changed :)
User 187934 Photo

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Where did I say the year shows on a thread? I stood corrected when it was discovered that the user was asking about threads but you made that discovery on assumption not the actual post.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 122279 Photo

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I see this as splitting hairs, as Phil has already mentioned.

A definition of a 'thread' for me is when you go into a 'forum' (e.g. 'Suggestions for new programs'), all the various threads appear, e.g. this one called 'In What Year Was that posted?'. In the right column where it says who the last poster was, there is also a date, including year. Only if the latest post is less than a week old, it says the day of the week or Today/Yesterday instead. So, when you open that thread, you'll see when it was started and who posted what and when. Is there a need for more than that? Me thinks not...:rolleyes:
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Inger, Norway

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User 103173 Photo

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Just as an FYI, Jeff add the years last night. ;)
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User 187934 Photo

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Thanks Jeff!:)

Is this what you had in mind JoAnn?
Because if I do a search for test there's still no date next to the thread it's self.:)
I think the problem is like Inger mentioned is at what level is a thread.
I'm thinking that "Suggestions For New Programs is the start of the thread and that's where you want the date.???
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Thanks Scott, I see years now in the threads of the forums and the years are now showing in all searches. Eric keep in mind it's threads so every line that shows up for a search is a thread and are showing up for me now in searches too. Not showing up for you?

Suggestions for New Programs is actually a Forum not a thread :)

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