mobi website creator - for mobile...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Michael,

Mostly I think it's because it's not really necessary for today's phones. Most phones work just fine with VSD sites, the CC team has already verified this so I'm assuming that's why it's not any type of priority. Phones as well as tablets seem to open most sites pretty well without difficulties. Check some other sites and see if they work fine for you (non VSD sites) and it could be that in the end it's because you're trying to accommodate something in VSD that isn't necessary for the most part.

I surf on a Nook Color and I see most sites that people have posted in here in VSD threads (just checked a bunch to make sure before I posted). Not sure why they wouldn't look ok for yours. Got a link? maybe the VSD users can give you some pointers :)
User 30 Photo

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Yea Scott let's make this! I'll do it!:D
User 122279 Photo

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A couple of templates in the right dimensions would do, I think, both for the Editor and VSD.
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Inger, Norway

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User 526402 Photo

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I hope your serious John Doerfler,

Been following this thread for quite awhile.
I do not use VSD, just straight out editor.

Hopefully CC realizes that there is not only a need for at minimum, some templates, but a small routine withing the editor for building moble sites.

I think that most of the developers who use CC editor arn't top of the line coders, (sry if you are) and like me rely on learning from templates and such to make up a good site.

Bottom line is: there IS a market for moble sites, and I feel that CC should do something to satiate their customer base so we have the parameters (templates/parameters for a moble site) already in the editor for doing that, or at least help out their customer base by deliniating the parameters for a mobile site.
User 199053 Photo

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55 posts

Looks like we've got a cop-out situation from CC. In their infinite wisdom, a mobi site creator just really isn't necessary. Well think about it guys, there's even one application out there(Wouldn't dream of naming it.) for the humble price of $200 specifically for different mobile platforms. The one I use for mobile sites works on Blackberry, Iphone and Nokia handsets but VSD don't.
I've had it with this discussion..................
When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Michael Rogers wrote:
Looks like we've got a cop-out situation from CC. In their infinite wisdom, a mobi site creator just really isn't necessary. Well think about it guys, there's even one application out there(Wouldn't dream of naming it.) for the humble price of $200 specifically for different mobile platforms. The one I use for mobile sites works on Blackberry, Iphone and Nokia handsets but VSD don't.
I've had it with this discussion..................

Come on Michael, you make it sound like they said they were going to do this, and they have never done that. Truly, most VSD sites done right will work just fine with mobile devices, same for the HTML ones, I surf them all the time and I don't have a normal tablet, I only have a Nook Color and they load fine. I've been to some really high traffic sites that have way more problems than VSD sites have, Barnes & Noble comes to mind with lots of issues and they are the home of the device I use lol.

Anyways, don't make it sounds like CC is copping out, that makes it seem like they said they would do it and decided not to which is not the case. :)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Not to mention, I've heard from some iphone/pad users that they don't like sites created for their device, so will go to the actual site instead. I never would have thought of that, but I've been "picking a lot of brains" lately trying to figure out the best way to create sites for every friggin browser and device out there.

Now I think a few mobile device templates for the HTML Editor would be better than a whole new program.
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User 199053 Photo

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Apologies for the cop-out remarks, as Jo Ann quite correctly said CC hadn't any actual plans for a mobi creator. It just seems a crying shame as they would make a superb job of one if they did. I personally love using VSD for standard sites as it's so easy to use, and a mobi creator along those lines would be most welcome.
I own a Blackberry Curve 8520 and I much prefer to view a site that will fit on the screen rather than having to zoom into a normal site to be able to read the text. Still, everybody to their own.
Nice idea about mobile device templates Paintbrush. This could be the answer.

When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 199053 Photo

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55 posts

If you have a look on this link you'll find a program called "CoffeeCup Wireless Web Builder" produced by CC around 2004 I believe.
I think we'd all like to know why it was abandoned as it's not bad at all, it works!!

NB:You might have to register to enter the site. … s4455.html

I await CC's comments.
When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

Michael Rogers wrote:
If you have a look on this link you'll find a program called "CoffeeCup Wireless Web Builder" produced by CC around 2004 I believe.
I think we'd all like to know why it was abandoned as it's not bad at all, it works!!

NB:You might have to register to enter the site. … s4455.html

I await CC's comments.

To be honest Michael, with CSS3 and HTML 5 you do not really need to have a mobile builder as you can set ONE site to work on any screen size. That way, you do not have to write and maintain 3 or four different sites at once... One will work for all... It is not perfect yet, but it is very close to it... So in essence a mobile builder is now what Jo Ann would call deprecated or outdated.
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.

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