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User 597929 Photo

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CiclonPR wrote:
I haven't search on this forum but if there has been suggested I will do it again. We need a program like photoshop and I know you guys are capable of this and more.

Why would CC need to do this? There are numerous such programs out there already, several of them freeware, and all of them have most of the capabilities of Photoshop.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 128717 Photo

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Why would CC need to do this? There are numerous such programs out there already, several of them freeware, and all of them have most of the capabilities of Photoshop.

Let me understand your comment asking this: then why CC created the html editor and the visual site designer? after all there have been plenty of options in the market right? I want CC to make a program like photoshop because most likely is going to be a good program at a really low price. I know there are options out there.... like for example GIMP, is open source. But to me Gimp is not a really contender to Photoshop. On the other hand CC Html editor in my opinion is a good contender to DW and it cost $425 dollars less than DW and you can acomplish everything that you can do with DW. This will keep other companies in check and will be more competitive since they will know that there is going to be a good company out there like CC that will be able to offer an excellent product for way less money that they are asking for.
User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

My point is CC is focused on programs for making web pages. Creating graphics is only peripherally related to that, and would be much farther afield than software for making, say, web forms or embedding video in a web page.

They would have to open up a whole different realm of coding and graphics expertise to create something akin to Photoshop, much less something that could actually compete with it. Again, there are many great titles out there already, such as Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements (I own both) which for the level of use you'd see by your typical CC customer are more than competitive against the full Photoshop--and they're both compatible with nearly all Photoshop plug-ins and are quite cheap. CC, if they got into that business, would be charging about the same, I would bet on it.

You mention The Gimp: it actually competes quite well with Photoshop in several areas, it just requires more savvy on the part of the user to take advantage of some of it's more powerful tools. There's also Artweaver, whose basic version is free and competes head-to-head with Photoshop in color separation, brush tools, masking, and pretty much all the tasks for which your average user would be putting it to.

Yeah, CC does good stuff, but they don't do word processors, either. Focus, man, focus! :cool:
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Spinmeister wrote:
Yeah, CC does good stuff, but they don't do word processors, either. Focus, man, focus! :cool:

Darn it Spinny, I was gonna suggest a NEW modernized Super Mega PacMan/Asteroid/Frogger game.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 599916 Photo

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I remember a part of Lotus SmartSuite called "Screen Cam" which allowed you to record audio and video of live action changes to your monitor screen. It was a great training tool.
Could CoffeeCup think about offering this type of software?

Or does one of your existing programs do this? My cursory reading of the descriptions indicates that they don't, but I could be wrong..

In the meantime, I live by your HTML Editor and the FTP programs. I admit that I probably only use 1/10 of their capabilities, but at this time that is all I need to accomplish my tasks. Thanks for the great software at affordable prices with super support.
User 1983943 Photo

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Hey Guys
Why do I have to reinstall my software everytime I use them, I had Visita now it's Win7
any Coffeecup prog.
User 1983943 Photo

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3 posts

Do you have a Text scroll box software, I know Blog do it , but I don't need date posted on it, if there is a way to eliminate
the extra, please let me know. or if there is a prog, which one.
User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

djjohnnyc wrote:
Hey Guys
Why do I have to reinstall my software everytime I use them, I had Visita now it's Win7
any Coffeecup prog.

You shouldn't need to but if you are changing operating systems you will need to reinstall all your software I would think...not just CC software.
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

djjohnnyc wrote:
Do you have a Text scroll box software, I know Blog do it , but I don't need date posted on it, if there is a way to eliminate
the extra, please let me know. or if there is a prog, which one.

Coffee Cup has a Blogger program. Click on Our Software or Online Shop on the purple toolbar above :)
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 2066798 Photo

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2 posts

i don't know where to post this question at, but i need to know how much coffee i'm making when i make a pot of coffee at work. right now i'm selling a 16 oz. cup of coffee for .40 cents... i know, it's ridiculous... it needs changed and i need to work out a new price. can anyone help me with this?

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