Post your new ideas here! - Page 15 -...

User 474380 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Suggestion 1What about 'forward a friend' feature on a website - maybe linked in with webform builder.
Suggestion 2 How about a zoom feature in the products gallery for cart creator
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

@jaym, coffee should be free at work :)

User 6111 Photo

Registered User
38 posts

We need a new Member Login for web sites that work on PHP or Javascript that can send the member to any page we want, also each can have thier own password.
Hey Beaver! leave that alone.
You have to be smarter than the tool you're using!
User 593230 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Looking for a Discussion Board and knowledge base application.
Discussion Board to allow for new ideas and community feedback
Items with high frequency from discussion board, becomes the content in the knowledge base.
Knowledge base to post standard operating procedures and how to's.
User 433941 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I would like to see all Coffee Cup software reconfigured so that the files do not clutter the root directory. In other words, I would like to be able to clean up my root directory of all these files. There has got to be a way to this without having to resort to using "iframes" Currently for each project there's at least 4 more files that have to reside on the root directory in order for that form, or project to work properly.
User 2061652 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Yahoo Store Compatible....

Although the current software CC offers,puts out html code that can be used in Yahoo stores.When it comes to uploading the files,this is where the problems come in.There are to many associated files to upoad,and the CC software doesn't work in the Yahoo stores with out all of them[video player] for one..Yahoo tech support will NOT offer any tech support on this and only refer you to site developers...............which of course if I could afford,I wouldn't be buying CC software in the first place.
User 1923521 Photo

Registered User
1 post

hi, i'm robin, i have some little problem, there is several error message appear when i used my visual site designer, sometime when I'm this a normal problem? or..something else.Anybody can help me? overall its wonderful to used this software...easy and friendly user.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya robin,

I would suggest that you post in the forum specific to "Visual Site Designer" rather than here in the "Suggestions for New CoffeeCup Software" forum. You'll most likely get more assistance there than you will in here.

You may need to open a Support Ticket for your particular issue though so you might want to think about that too. Hope you get it all fixed up :)
User 158708 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

Need a pic/image manipulation program. Need to resize, crop, export to different formats, transparent backgrounds.
Why sleep when I can work...

"I told my son my car was a race car... He paused, thought then asked.."Than why does it have a radio?"
User 562592 Photo

Registered User
2,038 posts

Great News! CC has that program. Its called the pix converter. Yipppeeee!
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

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