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User 1913066 Photo

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2 posts

I would like to see a Membership Site Design Software by coffeecup
User 334212 Photo

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12 posts

I'd like to use icon for women , house wife, yound women like kitchen ware , garden goods, etc.
How is it? I can use them for diary, of course web site. Also, good taste icon or not good icon?
I am Japanese, so we want to need Japanese icon for information to friends of all over the world
like Samurai game. :-) eriko
User 12752 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

I would like to see some changes to the caption part of Photo Gallery so designers have the option to put the capton in a different place, use different fonts and sizes, etc.

Also, I would like buttons on the HTML Editor for putting in spaces and for doing targeted links on specific pages.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Mariposa Media Window on the Clearwater wrote:
I would like to see some changes to the caption part of Photo Gallery so designers have the option to put the capton in a different place, use different fonts and sizes, etc.

Also, I would like buttons on the HTML Editor for putting in spaces and for doing targeted links on specific pages.


Spaces are already on there, but the targeted links I don't know what that means lol.
Here's a screenie of the location for the spacing button :)
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Targeted links. <a href="" target="" />
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

dunno how that would be implemented lol, my brain cells are very low grade from scrambling the eggs so much all week :P

Best thing to do is create a snippet :) That's what i do when I find a piece of code that I think "should" be there but isn't lol
User 333495 Photo

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31 posts

You have the firefactor to evaluate and suggest ways to optimize a website, regardless of its subject matter.

Another evaluation idea, evaluate it based on marketing.
Pricing, by item, style, niche, coordination--departmentalization, likelihood of success, tied with the firefactor this would be very dynamic.
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

-------------More on targets--------------------
If you open the left side "Tags" tab in the html editor and click the + next to <a></a>
you will see ( target="" ) in the list.

<a href="" target="_blank" />
Open the link in a new window

<a href="" target="_self" />
Open the link in the same frame or window as it was clicked -default-

<a href="" target="_parent" />
Open the link in the parent frameset

<a href="" target="_top" />
Open the link in the full body of the window

<a href="" target="framename" />
Open the link in a named frame

<a href=" />
Open the link in the same window and land at at a named anchor in the page.
<a name="my-target-name"></a>
my target text here, bla bla bla

User 337144 Photo

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60 posts


A CC forum signature creator. I've seen others and use auto sig stuff in gmail but with CC graphics forte (not everyone makes stuff you see like on deviantArt) and a little HTML you can make some nice sigs.

More like a sig tutorial would be better using CC HTML editor.

Avatar maker . it CoffeeCup Avatar Maker

Make Egg hunting hints more usable. Also, when all is said and done, write an article on how we might be able to do the same thing on our websites with just HTML, Imagemaps, rollovers, popups and little [egg, santa hats, fireworks, little pumpkin ] graphics.
In progress S-drive (other 3 sites, I rep for)
Local Coupon ads for merchants
Local (Central Florida) Digital Signage Ad Network
Changeable Letter Banners In/Outdoors
User 60903 Photo

Registered User
20 posts

Rain Longson wrote:
Any chance of Coffeecup coming up with animated avatars or talking heads, just about all my clients are asking for that! That and a way to blog in sections of their own sites.

PS been using Coffeecup editor since 96


I could have used this, too.

Have something to add? We’d love to hear it!
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