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User 408031 Photo

Registered User
1 post

How about a simple and user-friendly Coffeecup Forums Creator (could be used on different websites).
I recently had a request from a client for such a program.
My two cents. Happy Holidays all CC'ers. Love Coffeecup.
User 149319 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Couple of things for the e-commerce programs.

1. Need to be able to minipulate the images for size.
2. need to be able to add additional items to a sale item that will add cost to the product by selecting it.
3. Need to be able to add additional meta tags for SEO.
4. Need to be able to add statistic algorithyms at the bottom just before the footer for google analytics.
User 457406 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

I would like to see a product that would allow us to encrypt a web page (such as a membership list) so that if someone did a "View / Source" from the browser, all they would get is either nothing or "garbage".

User 140386 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Good job guys!!!!
User 1925026 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

I think a rating system software would be an awesome addition. I have a site that I want my clients to rate but the only way to do that with your current software is with a form where I have to ask them questions and then they manually have to type in their response. It would be great to have a rating system to where they can give each particular part of the thing being rated (a website, a product, restaurant, etc.) a star rating that is trackable.

It seems like it may be able to added to the Web Form Builder software, but a stand alone software might work easier. That's where you guys come in :)

I'm currently thinking of using a software provided by this site: … tures.aspx

Thanks for any consideration given :)
Travis Johnson

Integrity Designs
User 406321 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

I love CoffeeCup. Thanks for giving us a chance to give idea of items we would like to see. I have two items I would dearly love to have on my websites:

(1) I would like to be able to draw lines without having to fudge by building boxes and decreasing the sizes to make a line.
(2) This is one that I've wanted for a very long time! I would like to be able to increase thumbnails of images, just like you do on your templates page.

Thanks so much!
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

Integrity Designs wrote:
I have a site that I want my clients to rate. It would be great to have a rating system to where they can give each particular part of the thing being rated (a website, a product, restaurant, etc.) a star rating that is trackable.

Thanks for any consideration given :)

That's a good suggestion, until CoffeeCup has it there is another way for free
-or- … .zip/16736 for a few bucks
I don't know for sure what you mean by track-able..

User 337144 Photo

Registered User
60 posts

I don't know if this would be the place or not for this idea:

How about NOT "I Love CoffeeCup" after each install? Scared the bejesus outa me when I was doing installs of your software recently one night.

A simple, low volume "ding" or "drip" sound should do. Also, it appears many of your progs don't have the option to start a "readme.first" text file filled with details on support or late additions to manual or program.

Also, how about a logo program. You guys have a flair for graphics (but there is plenty of free competition for logo software I admit.)

In progress S-drive (other 3 sites, I rep for)
Local Coupon ads for merchants
Local (Central Florida) Digital Signage Ad Network
Changeable Letter Banners In/Outdoors
User 345577 Photo

Registered User
373 posts

"How about NOT "I Love Coffee {in a} Cup" after each install?"


(I agree...)
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

*happens to like the jingle in the installations* :P

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