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User 2000538 Photo

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CC wrote:
# 1 really, really needed is be able to download back the web page we created to VSD. We have asked for so long. Yahoo sitebuilder can do it, I am sure you can too and can do better! :lol:

What Happens if I Lose My .vnu File?
Article ID: 656 | Published On: Apr 29, 2009 | 2,775 views | Rated 5 stars by 11 people

Visual Site Designer version 6.0 and higher automatically saves a time- and date-stamped copy of the .vnu file to your server whenever you upload your Website files. To access these files, use an FTP client (such as Direct FTP) to connect to your server and download the desired version of the .vnu to your computer. You can then open and edit it normally.

***There is usually a folder called backup or something similar on your server and it would most likely be there***

CC wrote:

# 2 some where we can copy/store all the files into the program in our computer (it won't use your storage space) so when we reinstall or update the VSD we do not have to find all the files from all over the computer.

That hasn't got anything to do with the software, its up to you to tell the program where to put your files on your computer, so a central project folder would be a good idea. :)

I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 1975732 Photo

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31 posts

Love your error pages…along the same line I think it would be nice to add an under construction, under maintenance, Vcard and domain parking place holder templates.

I use an under construction 3 page website template with PHP and Ajax contact form, has countdown timer, Domains Twitter RSS feed and newsletter sign up….I open it up using coffee cup to customize by adding a photo galley with links to my other websites or small amount of content with keywords and I have something Quickly I can publish and not loose visitors…while I’m working on the real website.

I found online a place holder template for parked websites – quickly adding RSS feeds, u-tube, on-line photos and Google Adsense.

Same thing with the under maintenance webpage… I plug it into a website where I’m making a big change to a webpage or plan to add a webpage and already have the navigation done..Instead of it giving them an error page it tells them that I’m working on that one webpage…sometimes I customize it with a countdown timer.

These are great time saving tools... we all buy domains that we have great plans for...or plan to add to our websites...
User 12657 Photo

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I"ve noticed a lot of post on the Web Video Player having file conversion problems (one of them is mine) any chance of a stand alone video file conversion program that would convert MPEG, WMV and AVI to FLV?
User 38401 Photo

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lloydW. wrote:
It'd be nice to have a quick & easy way to tell Visual Site Designer to stop making the Object Properties window pop up right in the middle of my work area every single time I go to edit text or anything else. Most of the time I don't need that window but it always comes up and smack in the middle of my work.

Copied your post to the VSD suggestions thread where it will be seen by those needing the suggestions :)
User 1750231 Photo

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25 posts

I know I've posted this before, but a Wordpress theme / template designer would be fantastic. I'm doing most of my new sites in Wordpress now (using it as a CMS), but it isn't so easy to design for.

Wordpress themes require a lot of work, so if CoffeeCup could come up with a visual theme & template designer, that would be a huge hit. Right now, there's a great opportunity for this, as there really isn't much software available that will let you design for Wordpress, an open-source publishing platform that's likely to become the most widely-used CMS.
User 1528615 Photo

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I think it would be nice if the all of the installed CC software worked as a suite rather than individual pieces of the puzzle. For example, if I were in HTML Editor and wanted to insert, for ex. form or flash animation, then I could access these programs, if installed, from within the HTML editor and the required files would be automatically added to my project.

I am still new and digging so if this is already possible a gently pointer would be appreciated.

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

alanology wrote:
...For example, if I were in HTML Editor and wanted to insert, for ex. form or flash animation, then I could access these programs, if installed, from within the HTML editor and the required files would be automatically added to my project...

Part of this is available in the HTML Editor. You can access the programs from within the Editor if you specify them in:
Tools ---> Applications
You would still have to cut and paste the HTML code to the location on your page where you want the form, etc. to appear. You will also get a dialog box to confirm where the associated files should be saved...
User 345685 Photo

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Any chance to use Icon slides in Photo Gallery as a banner, similar in ""
User 122279 Photo

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14,518 posts

Merhaba Seckin,

I have never tried to use Photo Gallery thumbnails as a banner, but you would have to try. Set the dimensions so that the main picture gets excluded, maybe... Or use Firestarter.

I have used a different script from Dynamic drive for the same effect here: It would be nice if it could be done with a CC programme.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 345685 Photo

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18 posts

Merhaba Inger, thanks for the advise, I'll give a quick look.

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