# 1 really, really needed is be able to download back the web page we created to VSD. We have asked for so long. Yahoo sitebuilder can do it, I am sure you can too and can do better!

What Happens if I Lose My .vnu File?
Article ID: 656 | Published On: Apr 29, 2009 | 2,775 views | Rated 5 stars by 11 people
Visual Site Designer version 6.0 and higher automatically saves a time- and date-stamped copy of the .vnu file to your server whenever you upload your Website files. To access these files, use an FTP client (such as Direct FTP) to connect to your server and download the desired version of the .vnu to your computer. You can then open and edit it normally.
***There is usually a folder called backup or something similar on your server and it would most likely be there***
# 2 some where we can copy/store all the files into the program in our computer (it won't use your storage space) so when we reinstall or update the VSD we do not have to find all the files from all over the computer.
That hasn't got anything to do with the software, its up to you to tell the program where to put your files on your computer, so a central project folder would be a good idea.