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User 2027363 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Hello Coffee Cup! I am in desperate need of business directory software . . . you can do it! Yes, there's several programs out there - but I want VALID! We know you know the meaning of VALID! You can do it!

User 444459 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I'd like to see Coffee Cup develop e-book software to better enable interactive books. Push Pop Press was working on exactly that and had published one book before being recently bought out by Facebook. The software will never be licensed privately and instead integrated into Facebook. I'm a writer with a project, but without all the tools in one place, creating the book I've designed will be much more difficult. The ideal software for what I want would work a lot like Visual Site Designer and the other bag of tricks that go with it like the Web Jukebox, Menu Builder, Video Player, etc. Push Pop was working on software that would create e-books specifically for the iPad, but a cross-platform e-book creator is needed with touch-screen capabilities. Monochrome readers are certainly on their way out (just like monochrome phones), so a better mousetrap would be a software suite so books could incorporate audio, video, text, photo galleries and menus. There is an e-book standard called epub which replaced the older standard Open epub. epub allows you to use XML and XHTML, but it seems very clunky. Writing a book and then writing 3 or 4 times as much code to create an e-book seems ridiculous. I love my Coffee Cup web design software and I really think you'd be a great company to break this new ground in e-books.
User 463868 Photo

Registered User
89 posts

With todays many formats for videos from phones, ipads, iphones droids ect, ect...
Perhaps its time to update the video players. Or provide the conversions for the newest formats to use with the existing players. Just a thought.
User 456386 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

How about a program that simplifies creating an online app. Adobe Flex lite lite lite.
Create the interface with VSD, phpadmin-ish for mysql, access like relationship view.

I use VSD to wire frame a concept. I would love to take it to the next level.
"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."
— Aldo Leopold (A Sand County Almanac)

User 513167 Photo

Registered User
1 post

How about a tooltip:
1)When you mouse over a color hex code (#ffffff) a thumbnail of the color appears.
2) When you mouse over an image (image/background.jpg) a thumbnail of the image appears.
This can work in both html and css.
This feature would really help to quickly see if you have the correct color or image selected.

I also use a free IDE called Codelobster PHP Edition, and it has these capabilities.
If you can incoporate these tooltips, it would really add to the power of this already great program.:D
"Keep on coding"
User 2019597 Photo

Registered User
16 posts

I would like a CoffeeCup Animation Editor for HTML 5, JavaScript and JQuery. Intuitive and easy to use to replace or complement the Flash ADProducer... Thanks!
User 1875814 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

A Reporting Engine!

I love the CoffeeCup Web Form Builder tool. We have used it for contact forms, request more info forms, request appointment forms, Etc.

Recently we built a form to add to a Directory Listing of 400+ golf courses. Name, address, groundskeeper, type of fertilizer, type of sod, equipment list, Etc.

It would be great if CoffeeCup developed a Reporting Engine that allows us to retrieve data from our database, format the layout of the report, and generate a PDF.
User 2296459 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Please incorporate an Open Graph tag generator. TY.
User 12253 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Any thoughts of a e-invite program. I have had a couple request for a program that will invite people to a event and allow them to reply back with how many will be attending and place for a location of the event.
User 130911 Photo

6 posts

I'm enjoying to see the progress of your Web Form Builder.

One of the best form generating programs that I have used (and I have used many), is from a company called, called Forms To Go.

Suggested Feature for you. One of the things I would love to see added to your Web Form Builder is the ability to add a "rule" on specific form elements.

For example, let's say that my form asks users what type of help they need, and one of the questions is "Is this an order issue, and if yes, enter your order number." However, if the user has an order issue, I want the form contents to be emailed to a different person, different department. So I can apply a rule to that form text field, that if an order number was entered, that form contents email goes to a different email address.

It is nice when you can apply certain rules to trigger certain other events. Especially the ability to email to different persons based on their response to elements that we can apply a rule to.

Thank you!

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