1and1.com - Page 1 - Post ID 5544

User 458512 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

Does anyone use this site to host their web page? I am having problems with this host and when I go to tech support I get someone from the Philipenes who is extremely difficult to understand.

Mike A.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I have several sites hosted on 1and1 shared Linux servers and never have problems. Support has been either German or American. What problems are you having?
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 2733 Photo

426 posts

Never a problem. Four years now.
Let's not get all hurt.
User 458512 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

I was able to get my problems straightened out and it works fine now. If you would could you check out the work on my website that I have done so far and make comments if you would like.
Thanks for your encouragement.

Mike Adams

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I like it. Nice use of color and shading. You're off to a great start.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 472932 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I know enough about creating a web site to know I don't know much.

I have hosted on 1and1.com www.sayhelp.net and www.nomoreabuse.net

I have downloaded CoffeeCup to use with the 1and1 websitebuilder. Is this a good idea. Can some be so kind to take a couple of minutes and outline the process I should be using to create my pages with cc and websitebuilder.

I get confused and mess up my pages and have a mess at times.

Any helpers?

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


I use 1and1 also.

I create my pages using CC software, and I don't bother with the 1and1 website builder. I then upload the pages using FTP.

If you have any specific questions about the CC product usage, just ask.
User 472932 Photo

Registered User
3 posts


Thanks for the offer. I also looked at your sites and like what I see. Okay...letting the cat out of the bag...I just learned about filezilla and ftp today.

I'm thinking I want to redisgn my site using coffee cup and then upload to 1and1 - i've got that covered. How do I turn on the pages that I move over with FTP? Is the trick in the file names or what?

Thanks for the offer to help.

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


If a page is on your website, IT IS TURNED ON.

I have many pages that are on my site, but unless I give you the direct URL, you will not find the page. These are pages I put on my site for a specific person or persons, and I email them a direct link. I did that with some photos I had taken of the class members of a group of classes I took, and I sometimes do that for my sister so she can easily download something I have for her.

The first page on your site is your home page which will be named index.htm , index.html or some other derivation of index. Some servers also use default.htm, and I have even seen a site using welcome.htm. Once your site is active (and 1and1 had mine active in a few hours), anyone that knows your domain or happens to test that domain, will get your index page.

When you have a second page (maybe named contact.html), you can put a link on your home page so you site visitors can just click to get to the new page. If you have several secondary pages, you will likely want a menu, and if you have many pages, a menu will be necessary, and you will want a link to a site map.

It sounds like you already have several pages already on 1and1? If so, you can just upload replacement pages using the current file names, and the new pages will replace the old pages.

I hope my ramblings make some sense, and if it is still clear as mud, just ask for clarification.
User 472932 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

You are making perfect sense. I'll play a bit and come back as needed if that's okay.


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