Coming down from the mountain top . . .

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Just thought I'd pop in and say 'hi'and offer an apology. Well, maybe several ...

I am a long time CC user, and ambassador, though I have not been active here for many years. Probably not since around 2015 or so. Yep, that long.

I have always loved CC software and the community here, but as some of the old timers can tell you, and I do see some familiar names, I have never been a coder. Simply not interested. I was an avide VSD user till it was discontinued. Ah, progress. I do realize that Site Designer says 'no coding' but when I looked into it and started reading about CSS and image tags and class ID, my eyes just glazed over. I woke up hours later feeling I was the end result of an alien abduction. Lost time and all that.

So, I moved in a different direction. Got out of the website business and went into 3D graphics instead. Still doing that but starting to slow down. I worked over the road for over 26 years while working on graphics but am tied down at home now. Disabled and chained to my computer. So, here I go back to websites.

Over the last couple of years I have gone through many websites never really finding exactly what I wanted. The visual designers that are out today, and there are only a couple, are really not that good and not what I am looking for. I have kept, almost current, with Site Designer and I'm actually downloading the latest version as I type this. I gave it a look a couple of weeks ago and found that I must have picked up a nugget here and there over the years because it'almost' makes sense to me now.

So I'm back. I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I have the tutorial downloaded and will go through that first. I tried already but needed the current version for the templates I wanted to work with. My ultimate goal is to create an ecommerce website. We'll see . . .

I do want to apologize for being away so long. I also want to apologize for all the questions I'm about to ask! This used to be an awesome community and I'm sure that hasn't changed much. But I still am not a 'real' coder so I'm sure it's not going to take long for my eyes to glaze over again. I just hope I can recover faster and move forward this time. With your help.

Anyway, I'll try and pop in at least once a day, maybe more, as I try to wrap my head around the Site Designer. i just hope that if I ask a lot of questions that have been asked before that you'll have patience with me. Let me know if I go to far off the deep end.

Ask me anything you like, I'm pretty much gonna do the same. And now it's time to go update Site Designer and dive in! Wish me luck!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Hm. I'm also mostly blind in one eye now, so another apology for the typos. Sometimes I type faster than I can see. Sorry.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 122279 Photo

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14,592 posts
Online Now

Welcome back, SadDuck! (Didn't you call yourself Gunsmoke once? I seem to remember a real name too...)

Life takes us around a bit, so you don't need to apologise for having been away from this forum.

Site Designer is not the same as back in 2015 or thereabouts, so if you get stuck, you know you just have to holler and we'll be at your aid.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I was Gunsmoke back in the day. Over the years I started running into more and more 'Gunsmoke's' out there and eventually changed to SadDuck. Years later again and I'm seeing more and more 'SadDucks'. Funny how that seems to work out . . .

Well, it's good to be back. I'm going through some YouTube videos and other stuff right now. Going to jump in with both feet and just hope I'm not wearing cement shoes! Should be interesting. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Welcome Back SadDuck.
There's plenty of great help here as usual.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Appreciated Eric. It's good to be back. Got one foot in the rabbit hole and I'm going in! :D
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!

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