Sorry! I decided to take everything off of until I'm ready to display something decent. I also dont want the search engines to find it prematurely. Here is a rough sketch: This is not the same intro that Mark saw earlier but I will change and make it smoother and into one flash file then have the photo gallery link to another flash with no intro so that I won't irritate anyone. So, I'm trying ideas and learning how to make it at the same time, learning as I go. I'll also make a normal, traditional, html version of the flash. Then I'll comepletely change to a format something like this: maybe in a different color. People didnt like the font on the red background.
Anyone with any ideas on which route I should/shouldn't take please let me know.
Mark Searson wrote:
Hi DJ,
I say, your site is looking very slick and clean. I for one can not wait to see the finished product. I have just one negative comment, and this is a 'ME' thing. After you enter your main site, the user is faced with a non-browser type window.
Now, if others a like me, then they may well have 4 or 5 other web pages open at the same time, I have 4 at the moment. However, they are unable to get out of your web site unless they hit the close button. That is a shame. It would be good to keep people at your site as long as possible, but if they feel trapped in there, they may just click the close button.
That is just me though.
Search out Sharron Hollman on the forum search, she has had a goo dplay with the photo gallery and music a s well as Firestarter and music. There may be some useful info there.
Now hurry up and finish the site, I might just book you!!
Congratulations on your engagment Mark and thanks for your comments.
About the non-browser window, I purposely made it this way only because it looks nicer. I realize the side effects of non browsing on that window may be a problem but I hope that the benefits outweigh the risks. That is, I hope that they find this format of a non-browser window is more appealing than inconvenient. If they have the need to click out or close the window then they weren't really interested in me. Those that are will bookmark my site and request info. I could be out in left field but it's ok because this is experimental. Very good point.
Thanks again Mark!
Well, so far CC software has been a good diversion from my day job.

Give it a try. It's addictive.