Ok....... so a few I have been doing recently which include cms sites for which I did all the skinning in the CoffeeCup HTML Editor (the only Editor I ever use)
I am now in the process of trying to set up a server to include the new CC shopping cart for sale of my photography.... and who knows...... web sites too!
I am a "one-man-show" for my web work/graphics/photography - better add in housewife/mother/wife/daughter and also do translations and other stuff. But that doesn't count in here.
Most of the photography (of Venice) is mine, as are the graphics.
CC software used
CoffeeCup HTML Editor for all html, css and all other code editing - my "couldn't-live-without-it" tool
CC Colour Schemer - most definitely one of my very favourite cc tools
CC Pix Converter - great little program for fast image conversion when I need to create a whole bunch of thumbnails or web quality images. I often use it to build single or multi-page displays for events' photography when I need to offer potential customers images to purchase or download immediately after a sports' event.
CC Website Font - haven't had much opportunity to use this up until now, but am just experimenting now for a site which will be more graphics orientated. See "palanca"
http://la-palanca.it/vini.html. I just love the interesting "home-grown/hand-made" effect it adds to the site.
CC sIFR Font Maker - great to be able to choose my favourite fonts and get them to work smoothly in the Website Font app.
CC Direct FTP - tried lots of others, but still like this best and even though many CC programs allow me direct upload from the application, I still tend to use this. Have to say that I am still using one of the older versions, but I just feel more comfortable with the interface. I am probably missing out on some of the newer features through my hard-headedness though! Old habits die hard! Love the way I can edit directly and have always found it to be fast, efficient and reliable.
DNN cms...... something I would love to see coming from CC somehow so that they could use a proprietory label for it. Any skinning work I do with the cms I ONLY do
with the CC HTML Editor and one/both of my two image editors.
My tips to all..........
Mozilla Firefox but make sure your site works well and looks nice in all the other browsers you can get hold of!
Check out
W3C statistics fairly often to see what is going on with
browser usage/screen resolution to make sure that you are building for the future but catering for the past.