I meant to get back to you on your site.
It looks to me as if you are using a fancy font (Dauphin) which will not show up unless you use the CoffeeCup Website Font application which allows you to change almost any font by transforming it into a little flash file........ or by turning your fancy text into a small image file. For the latter it is definitely not wise to make an image with lots of text, but maybe just a couple of words such as a title.
With the CC Website Font application you can make slightly larger areas of text for your page. I have actually created a whole page using this method........... though it is not advisable for very dense areas of text.
(My page with CC Website Font...... site still under construction, but you can see what I mean - best viewed on 1024 x 768
The problem arises because there are only about 3 or 4 fonts which are standardized between all operating platforms........... in simple terms........ if someone looking at your web site does NOT have a font installed on their own computer, they WILL NOT be able to see your fancy fonts.
The CC Website Font gets over this by sending your fancy font along to the user's computer to ensure that they will see it as it should be seen.
Bear in mind that the standard fonts used in page creation are usually Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Times Roman (awful for web reading, but good for book print) and sometimes Georgia.
Another point I wanted to make is that for me at least, your currency characters are not showing up......... you may need to use a special character for these. I am attaching a file so that you can see how I see your opening page.......... check if this is how you want it to be seen.
Must just add that your cakes look out of this world........... are they your creations or are you just doing the site for these people?