Hi Spinny
I notice a couple of things but must make an apology from the outset....... I do not have VSD actively installed on this computer right now to do any kind of checks, so bear with me.
In your COPYRIGHT page I see that, what looks as if it should be the copyright symbol, (©) has been replaced (in Firefox at least) by the little question mark. That should be fixed.
Then I want to pick up on your concerns with the links.......... yet again....... do your own checks on VSD as I can't recall exactly.......... but is there an x/y coordinates positioner? If so, you just nudge the elements into position using those as a guideline. Inevitably the very shape and size of each icon does mean that you are going to have to do a bit of maths to calculate the horizontal positions. Having said that, at first glance, they all seem to be fine. Another useful tool I often use is a pixel ruler which I picked up free. When opened up it overlays anything you have open in your browser and can be shifted around in a horizontal, or vertical position. If I can find the download url, I will add it in here later.
Obviously the guidelines you mention are an excellent alternative for squaring things up in VSD.
I would be inclined to remove the extra comment you have added in the Contact page which concerns your need to change the email address. Perhaps you added that comment during the construction phase only...... but for a professional site, those kind of comments are superfluous I think. It is becoming more common to see the email address convention you have used, and in most professional fields, no explanation would be necessary.
One of the things to remember is that good, clean web design........ in my humble opinion........ often takes longer than very full, busy pages. Those positive "empty" spaces are just as important as the graphic or text content so we mustn't expect to just "throw" something together and get it right... but should assume that it will take time and patience, and quite a few mistakes before it all comes together harmoniously.
ps. Notice that you like tabletop games! My brother is into them in a big way in the uk........ runs a little magazine for this favourite hobby too.
Pixel ruler (free download)