Napolean....... have had a look at your site and must say that I love your bold choice of graphics and colours. Lots of impact.
If I can just say a couple of tiny things I have noticed - hope you don't mind.
I notice that your text boxes are not standardized and that they are not aligned - here I am talking about those object boxes with the rounded corners. The two in the lower section of the page are not aligned, either at the top or at the bottom, so even if you have just copied and pasted the same size box, to look nice and even, you should nudge them a little.Use your keyboard directional arrows for gentle nudging which is more accurate than drag and drop. Add in a horizontal line to get that right........ you know that once the blue outline of the box "disappears" on the guide line........ you have positioned it correctly. Then you should do the same I think with the two left hand boxes....... add in a vertical guide line and nudge both of those over to the left to align with the guideline.
Apart from that, I can see there are lots of interesting things going on in your site, and am sure that it must be a lot of fun to keep coming up with new projects to add in. Continue to have fun.......VSD offers lots of possibilities to play around and create exciting pages and it looks as if you are exploiting that to the full.
In one of my earlier posts in here I gave the address to download a free "pixel ruler" which is what I use when I want a quick check on alignment. It is a very useful tool and a good back up once you have removed guidelines from your pages. The ruler just lies over the top of your screen and you can move it around the page as you like....... and rotate it also.