It's also important to keep in mind that the W3C's visitors tend to be web specialists, so it's stats are not representative of the web world, since people who develop for the web tend to be more picky about their browser choices. Also, screen resolution tells us nothing about the size of the visitor's browser window, which may only take up half the screen to leave room for other apps.
Cary, you are absolutely right. Another valid point which of course takes us down the road of using great elasticity in page design if you go for big.......... no fixed widths for the scenario you describe.
After reading your post both Janys and Cary, I can see it is probably more reasonable to go with the lessor resolution or at least offer the lessor resolution to the visitor.
The resolution is not always a reflection of what someone is doing in the browser and also true what Janys is saying regarding elasticity in the page if possible. I was looking at ways to do the change from 800 to xxxx specifically with a wysiwyg editor with a fixed width(without digging through html each time I make a change to the page).
I won't get too excited for now about going to my 1400x900 screen. My sig is only in 1024(for now:)).
The resolution is not always a reflection of what someone is doing in the browser and also true what Janys is saying regarding elasticity in the page if possible. I was looking at ways to do the change from 800 to xxxx specifically with a wysiwyg editor with a fixed width(without digging through html each time I make a change to the page).
I won't get too excited for now about going to my 1400x900 screen. My sig is only in 1024(for now:)).
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC
Melanie Edman-Osmer wrote:
Very well-done...sure this is your first?
Anita M wrote:
I created a website for my Church using FireStarter for the Intro and for the Announcements on the Welcome Page.
Would love constructive criticism.... (but still be gentle. I am new at this)
I created a website for my Church using FireStarter for the Intro and for the Announcements on the Welcome Page.
Would love constructive criticism.... (but still be gentle. I am new at this)
Very well-done...sure this is your first?
Thanks for the encouragement everyone... Melanie, yes, it's my first website. I cheat... I am pretty decent with making graphics so I just make a lot of graphics in Photoshop and use presentation type software to do the rest. I can't even spell "HTML". My homepage is just a bunch of pictures in a table with a link superimposed over the cell...

Nice Adam,
Similar to Media Semantics but maybe easier.
Similar to Media Semantics but maybe easier.
I know that you have given a fair bit of airing to your site address in another thread over the past couple of days, and it has already been asked how much of it was built with CoffeeCup software - and I don't recall having seen a reply to that question yet.
To be certain that your posting does not finish up looking just like spam, I would ask you to tell us how you built the site using which CC software. I - or one of the other Advisors, will then be able to ascertain whether you should be leaving your post in this particular thread or not.
Nothing personal, but in fairness to all others in here who have given away their "creative secrets" with our favourite software.
Many thanks
I know that you have given a fair bit of airing to your site address in another thread over the past couple of days, and it has already been asked how much of it was built with CoffeeCup software - and I don't recall having seen a reply to that question yet.
To be certain that your posting does not finish up looking just like spam, I would ask you to tell us how you built the site using which CC software. I - or one of the other Advisors, will then be able to ascertain whether you should be leaving your post in this particular thread or not.
Nothing personal, but in fairness to all others in here who have given away their "creative secrets" with our favourite software.
Many thanks
Sorry if i didn't make myself clear in the other thread that i posted. I came onto this forum because your all designers of some sort, so i thought it could be a good place to get feeback
I think we have been generous with feedback in your other post. Mostly it's the same group of us that read these posts, even if we don't always reply. Posting your link in more and more sections of this CoffeeCup forum will be seen as spamming the forum. The end result could be that your links will be removed and/or you may get banned.
I hope you can appreciate the idea that we do try to keep things CoffeeCup friendly and limit the amount of "adverising" in these forums.
I think we have been generous with feedback in your other post. Mostly it's the same group of us that read these posts, even if we don't always reply. Posting your link in more and more sections of this CoffeeCup forum will be seen as spamming the forum. The end result could be that your links will be removed and/or you may get banned.
I hope you can appreciate the idea that we do try to keep things CoffeeCup friendly and limit the amount of "adverising" in these forums.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy. is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
Yeah totally thank you all again for your feedback. And Sorry if i have offended anyone
Here is my work in progress:
I have several others but they are not maintained because of time.
Opinions on the site and mission would be appreciated.
Brian aka Twisted Nurse
Helping Hospitalized Kids
I have several others but they are not maintained because of time.
Opinions on the site and mission would be appreciated.
Brian aka Twisted Nurse
Helping Hospitalized Kids
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